This repository manages the custom-built docker images for use with CircleCI and development. Each image contains the minimum necessary tools to run testing and development.
The base image contains Python 3.8.x.
Works created by U.S. Federal employees as part of their jobs typically are not eligible for copyright in the United States. In places where the contributions of U.S. Federal employees are not eligible for copyright, this work is in the public domain. In places where it is eligible for copyright, such as some foreign jurisdictions, the remainder of this work is licensed under the MIT License, the full text of which is included in the LICENSE.txt file in this repository.
Each image is specifically tailored.
For the latest stable images:
For static tags, use tags including the git hash. You can find the hashes in this repo, from the CircleCI builds page, or from the Docker Hub tags page.
The base image is the absolute minimum of shared dependencies across all images
In addition to the Base Image this contains:
- golang
- go-bindata
- go-swagger
- chamber
- Apt Packages
In addition to the MilMove App Image this contains:
In addition to the Base Image this contains:
- Terraform at version 0.12.x
- terraform-docs
The code for milmove/circleci-docker:milmove-orders was deleted in February 2021. It is no longer used.
In addition to the Base Image this contained:
- golang
- go-swagger
- chamber
- Apt Packages
- postgresql-client
- entr
The aim of this repository is to always use the latest versions of project dependencies. The fastest way to check
for the latest versions is to use brew upgrade
and compare the versions between your local macOS machine and the
docker containers. This is a bit tricky and involves manual work. Generally run these two scripts:
assumes that the above containers exists locally so you may need to download the images.
docker pull milmove/circleci-docker:latest
docker pull milmove/circleci-docker:base
docker pull milmove/circleci-docker:milmove-app
docker pull milmove/circleci-docker:milmove-app-browsers
docker pull milmove/circleci-docker:milmove-cypress
docker pull milmove/circleci-docker:milmove-infra-tf104
docker pull milmove/circleci-docker:milmove-atlantis
This should build cleanly locally, but an updated image needs to exist to verify you have all the things.
make build
Scan the output for mismatched version numbers and then update the appropriate Dockerfile