All the power of Pug, Sass, Coffeescript and WebPack in your WordPress theme. Stop writing themes like it's 1998.
Apr 28, 2023 - PHP
Pug, formerly known as Jade, is a high-performance templating engine influenced by Haml for Node.js and browsers, with a clean, whitespace-sensitive syntax for writing HTML.
All the power of Pug, Sass, Coffeescript and WebPack in your WordPress theme. Stop writing themes like it's 1998.
A javascript template engine, simple, easy & extras, support webpack, rspack, vite, rollup, esbuild, parcel, browserify, fis and gulp.
Pug template engine for PHP
Jade.go - pug template engine for Go (golang)
PugJS syntax adapter for Django, Jinja2 and Mako templates
🔰Visual Studio Code Extension For Compiling Language
Bootstrap 3 templated by Jade
A boiler plate template using Feathers with Email Verification, Vue 2 with Server Side Rendering, stylus, scss, jade, babel, webpack, ES 6-8, login form, user authorization, and SEO
Lightweight mock web application server
Real Time Chat With NodeJS, and ExpressJS
Generate a hexo theme: ejs, pug, swig, nunjucks | Moved to
HTML5 Boilerplate ported to Jade. Great as a drop and go markup skeleton for Express apps.
Node.js, Express, Pug, Twitter Bootstrap, Starter Template
Web Learning Kit Generator is a tool designed for beginners who want to build static websites with minimal configuration.