This repo is mainly a wrapper of idio/json-wikipedia, which itself bring some improvement over diegoceccarelli/json-wikipedia.
It combines databricks/spark-xml to read wikipedia dump (without decompressing the whole files :) and the ArticleParser
from json-wikipedia to parse wikipedia articles. It brings the speed from Spark and the ability to save easily in parquet or json format, in a distributed maner for instance on S3 :)
- Build json-wikipedia using the command
mvn assembly:assembly
(for more information see their readme)
Actually you shoud remove the spark dependency from the pom.xml
because it's big and is still at version 1.3 ...
Once the json-wikipedia-1.2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
is build, put it in a lib
folder at the root of this repo.
- Build wikipedia-spark using
sbt assembly
orsbt docker
(which also builds you an image ready to go)
docker run --rm asgard/wikipedia-spark:latest spark-submit /home/wikipedia-spark/wikipedia-spark-assembly-0.0.1.jar ...
Usage: SparkWikipediaParser [options]
--inputPath <value>
path to xml dump or folder with xml dumps files
--outputPath <value>
path to output file / folder
--outputFormat <value>
Format for the ouput: parquet or json
--lang <value>
language of the dump
Flag to test on a few lines