- Designing Data Intensive Applications
- Web Application Software architecture (accessible via Github Student Dev. Pack)
Hands on Learning
Course + Blogs
- Fb outage, How fb supports global events - blog
- Scalability - Module: 4
- Youtube Architecture, YT Architecture -old,Youtube Databases - blog
- High Availability, Load Balancing - Module: 5-6
- Scaling Linkedin - blog
- Microservices and Monolitihic architecture, Micro-frontends - Module: 7-8
- Databases History - blog
- Database - Module: 9
- HTTP caching, MDN-cache article, Cache implementations - blogs
- Caching - Module: 10
- Message Queue -Module: 11
- Stream processing - Module: 12
- Architectures - Module: 13-14
- Case-study & Mobile-Apps - Module: 15-16
- Online Course Completed
Hands on + New Concepts + API's
Structured data
- Adding structured data to webpage - Google Codelab
Consistent Hashing(CH)- I
- Introductory-CH, Must-read -articels
- Gaurav sen youtube video, Code
Consistent Hashing -II
- Tom White article on Consistent Hashing
- Amazon Dynamo-whitepaper, ch At Tumblr - Real-life-Applications
- Implementing hashtable in JS - hands on learning
- From bare metal to kubernetes - Case-study
- SSL-intro article, SSL Video - practical learnings
- Dispeling the new ssl myth, Overlocking SSL - SSL stories | TODO
- Google Cloud-Qwikalbs - Revisited Google-cloud engineering skills
- Google API Design Guide - theory(...errors)
- Google API Design Guide - completed
- Netflix Play API - API Architectures
- gRPC - brief overview
- API proxy server -hands on coding
- gRPC implementation - overview
- graphQl - docs & impementation overview
Data Replication
- Design Patterns - intro, Blocking Code
- Building scalable web app's -article
- Design Patterns - read major(5-6) patterns
- Major design patterns to know - video
- Back of the envelope calculations
- Napkin math - newsletter
Learning LLD & Preparing Mind-Reps using sys-design solution template -- will continue again after this gets done :)