I'm currently studying Computer Science at 42 London.
π C/C++ on Linux:
miniRT: A ray tracing software that supports shadow, specular reflection, basic shapes including sphere, cylinder, disk, and plane.
CPP: A series of practices focusing on C++, covering from OOP basics to standard containers.
Minishell: A shell program inspired by Bash that supports basic commands, redirects, pipes, and various built-in commands.
Philosophers: A program that simulates the dinning philosophers problem through both multi-threading (with mutex) and multi-processing (with semaphore).
fdf: A program that draws meshed maps on screen; supports real-time translation, rotation, and scaling.
pipex: A program inspired by pipe command |
in shell. It executes programs and redirects output of one program to the input of another program. It also supports multiple pipes.
push swap: A program that sorts two rotating stacks with a limited command set.
libft: A library that implements many of the basic and useful functions in C standard library.
- π Coalition Master: as one of the top students on campus, I was named Master of the Coalition - each coalition has 1/3 of the total students.
- Connect with me on LinkedIn
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