This directory contains files and scripts to update the fuzz-emoji lambda function.
- An Azure account
- azure CLI
- Azure functions core tools (`)
The brew link will fail because it tries to create a symlink called
, which conflicts with Knative func
The solution is to use a different link. First temporarily move the Knative func symlink:
cd "$(brew --prefix )/bin"
mv func kn-func
Now, install the Azure functions core tools:
brew tap azure/functions
brew install azure-functions-core-tools@4
Now, rename the symlinks
mv func az-func
mv kn-func func
The end result is:
- Knative func is available as
- Azure functions func is available as
(cd src/functions && ln -s ../../../../typescript/fuzz-emoji.ts fuzz-emoji.ts)
az functionapp create -g the-group --consumption-plan-location eastus \
--runtime node --runtime-version 18 --functions-version 4 \
--name fuzz-emoji --storage-account sa14071789
Add this to the tsconfig.json
"esModuleInterop": true
This allows importing emojilib without resorting to require
npm run build
Start the function locally:
az-func start
Azure Functions Core Tools
Core Tools Version: 4.0.5907 Commit hash: N/A +807e89766a92b14fd07b9f0bc2bea1d8777ab209 (64-bit)
Function Runtime Version: 4.834.3.22875
[2024-08-17T19:25:39.067Z] Worker process started and initialized.
fuzzEmoji: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7071/api/fuzzEmoji
For detailed output, run func with --verbose flag.
Then, access it with httpie:
http -b 'http://localhost:7071/api/fuzzEmoji?descriptions=flame,flo'
flame: (fire,🔥)
flo: (rolling_on_the_floor_laughing,🤣)
az-func azure functionapp publish fuzz-emoji
Getting site publishing info...
[2024-08-17T19:29:40.204Z] Starting the function app deployment...
Creating archive for current directory...
Uploading 2.46 MB [###############################################################################]
Upload completed successfully.
Deployment completed successfully.
[2024-08-17T19:30:00.730Z] Syncing triggers...
Functions in fuzz-emoji:
fuzzEmoji - [httpTrigger]
Invoke url:
Test the deployed function:
http -b ',ice'
flame: (fire,🔥)
ice: (ice,🧊)