This repository contains all things related to the ImageJ User Guide.
See README for instructions on how to build the guide.
Want to contribute? Great! Here is what you can do:
Check that your proposal has not been mentioned previously. Then, try one of the following:
- If you already use GitHub, create a new issue or a pull request
- Otherwise, share it using the IJ mailing list. A simple subject line "User Guide Suggestion: XX" should work
Looking for something to do? Great! Pick something that looks interesting from the issues list. Then, use one of the approaches mentioned above
There are several programs capable of converting the guide TeX files into other formats, such as RTF, MediaWiki or markdown markup. E.g., pandoc could be used to convert the guide into markdown:
## Aggregate all of the child documents into a single file
latexpand ./user-guide.tex > guide.tex
## Ensure UTF-8 encoding
iconv -f MACROMAN -t UTF-8 guide.tex > guide.tex
## Run pandoc
pandoc -f latex -t markdown ./guide.tex >
Not yet available