Tags: tartley/ctags
Merge pull request universal-ctags#3357 from jafl/javascript-capture-… …methods-inside-objects JavaScript: capture methods inside objects
Merge pull request universal-ctags#3331 from jafl/javascript-always-p… …arse-function-block JavaScript: always parse the contents of a function block
GitHub Actions: Use Android NDK r23 to build Android NDK r23 is the latest LTS version. versions below r23 are marked as obsolete, and they are no longer supported. Reference: https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads https://github.com/android/ndk/wiki/Unsupported-Downloads https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/blob/main/images/linux/Ubuntu2004-Readme.md#environment-variables-3 Signed-off-by: leleliu008 <leleliu008@gmail.com>
Merge pull request universal-ctags#3322 from masatake/Elm-minor-fix-a… …bout-roles Elm: fix wrongly shared role definitions between kinds
Merge pull request universal-ctags#3315 from masatake/rake Rake: extract tasks defined with special ways
Merge pull request universal-ctags#3309 from masatake/RMarkdown-parser RMarkdown: new parser
Merge pull request universal-ctags#3264 from masatake/php--guest-parsers PHP: run HTML parser as a guest
Merge pull request universal-ctags#3264 from masatake/php--guest-parsers PHP: run HTML parser as a guest
Merge pull request universal-ctags#3297 from niksilver/master Elm,Units: Type and constructor tags exclude parameters etc. Quoted from the pull request: This has been tested with make units UNITS=simple-elm which passes. This is based on a problem encountered in Vim using ctags. It's possible this problem is entirely different (or maybe isn't even a problem!) with a different Vim configuration, a different editor, or a different use case. To understand the problem being addressed, consider the following code: type Param a = Cons a | Other a baz : Param Int baz = Cons 42 If the cursor is positioned under the Cons of the last line, then hitting Ctrl-] should take us to the definition of Cons on line 2. However, this fails because Vim identifies the tag under the cursor as the pure alphanumeric string Cons, but the tag in the tag file is Cons a. Similarly for when the cursor is placed under Param in the third line from the bottom. Also, if the definition of Param was type Param a = Cons a | Other a then its tag would be recorded as Param a =. Even though that's not the recommended way to format Elm it would still be helpful to generate a useful tag. So this change is to have tags for types and constructors limited to the initial alphanumeric part, which solves all these problems.
Merge pull request universal-ctags#3295 from masatake/ypath Yaml,OpenAPI: make OpenAPI parser's stack related code reusable