App Description : “Here help all children to provide right and accurate information about the world which may include countries, currencies, and many other details about countries and other worlds.”
How to install : -> First Download and Install Node.js in our system. -> Second Open the CMD terminal for working with the systems. -> Third install angular using angular cli command (npm install -g @angular/cli). -> Fourth open VS Code using command in terminal (code .). -> Fifth create a angular project using angular project create command (ng new {project-name}) and after create a project successful. -> Sixth then use launch command (ng serve or ng serve --open) then open in chrome with localhost://4200. -> After this edit angular application with the help of angular architecture.
Where it is hosted? 1:- First completed whole angular project using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, Bootstrap. 2:- Second using build command to build own project(ng build --prod). 3:- Third dist folder of project upload on S3 bucket. 4:- Fourth finally launch the our site on AWS S3 bucket.
Here link mention of my website:-