Assignment for the course Social Network Analysis in the 4th year winter semester:
Choose a network you wish to analyze, explain why you chose to analyze it and describe what you want to achieve through this analysis. Then provide a succinct analysis of the basic properties of the network:
- Graphical representation of the network
- Basic topological properties, such as numbers of nodes and edges, network diameter, and average path length.
- Component measures, such as number of connected components, existence of a giant component and component size distribution.
- Degree measures, such as maximum and average node degrees, as well as degree distribution.
- Centrality measures (degree, betweenness, closeness, eigenvector)
- Clustering effects in the network: average clustering coefficient, number of triangles, clustering coefficient distribution, existence of the triadic closure phenomenon in the friendship neighborhood.
- Bridges and local bridges.
- Gender and homophily.
- Communities
The analysis concerns a London-based inner-city street gang. All the information about the dataset can be found here. In detail:
- GANG NETWORK ANALYSIS.pdf is the whole detailed analysis in pdf
- ANALYSIS_PYTHON.ipynb is the analysis of the gang network using networkX (python library) in a jupyter notebook.