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iTunes Store Transporter GUI: GUI and workflow automation for the iTunes Store’s Transporter (iTMSTransporter)

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GUI for the iTunes Store’s Transporter (iTMSTransporter)

  • Installation

  • Configuration

  • More Info


Job Queue

Upload Packages

Check Package Status

Retrieve Metadata

Verify Packages

…and more!


In most cases the database driver must be compiled against an underlying database library. You must install the underlying library yourself. The installer will only attempt to install the Ruby portion which will fail if the underlying library is not found.


cd itunes_store_transporter_web-VERSION
ruby ./setup.rb

Note that this does not install the iTunes Store Transporter. If you’re on OS X you can install the Transporter by installing Xcode. Otherwise, you’ll have to create an iTunes Connect account and install it yourself.

Start the webserver

./bin/itmsweb start

Start the worker



In this section ROOT refers to the directory containing the website. All configuration options are set in ROOT/config/itmsweb.yml.


Database configuration is contained within the database section of the configuration file (ROOT/config/itmsweb.yml). It is used by the web server and the worker.

By default it will contain the information provided to the setup script. Here’s an example:

# itmsweb.yml

  adapter: mysql2 # DB driver (or sqlite3, postgresql, etc...)
  database: itmsweb # DB table
  username: sshaw
  password: ______Weee!@$%



./bin/itmsweb start  # start the server on port 3000
./bin/itmsweb stop


itmsweb <start|stop|restart> [OPTIONS]

start options:

-h HOST     # Bind to HOST address
-p PORT     # Use PORT, default: 3000
-d          # Run daemonized in the background
-i PID      # Use PID as the PID file, default: ROOT/tmp/pids/
-a HANDLER  # Rack Handler (default: autodetect)

stop options:

-i PID      # Path to PID file of running process
            # Required if you started the server with a custom PID path


Errors are logged to ROOT/log/production.log.

iTMSTransporter Job Queue

Jobs created through the website are added to a job queue. In order for jobs in the queue to be processed a worker (or many workers) must be running.

Running a worker process

The job queue is managed by DelayedJob, so running a worker is just a matter or running one of the DelayedJob tasks:

./bin/itmsworker          # start a worker
./bin/itmsworker work     # same as above
./bin/itmsworker workoff  # start a worker & exit when all the jobs are processed
./bin/itmsworker clear    # clear the job queue

Set the MIN_PRIORITY and/or MAX_PRIORITY environment variables to limit the worker to jobs with certain priorities (as defined by the website):

MIN_PRIORITY=high ./bin/itmsworker

Running a remote worker process



File browser’s root directory

The file browser’s root directory defaults to the root directory of the machine running the web server (that’s "/", not the web server’s document root). On Windows the machine’s volumes (C:, D:, etc…) will be used instead.

This can be changed by setting file_browser_root_directory to the path of the desired root directory. A list of root directories can also be used

# itmsweb.yml

file_browser_root_directory: /mnt/nas
# other options...

# Or, restrict it to a set of directories
  - /mnt/nas01
  - /mnt/nas02

Note that all directories must be accessable by the worker process.

There is a difference between using a single root directory and using a set of directories: if you use a single root directory the file browser will deault to displaying all the files under that directory. If multiple root directories are used the browser will default to displaying the names of these directories, not their contents.

Preventing users from changing the Transporter path

By default the iTMSTransporter path can be set by visiting the config page. For client/server (i.e., non-local) setups it might be desirable to prevent users from changing it. This can be done by setting the allow_select_transporter_path option to false. This will prevent the config page from displaying the iTMSTransporter path dialog.

# itmsweb.yml

allow_select_transporter_path: false
# other options...

It’s best to set this option after setting the iTMSTransporter path, as there is currently no concept of users and roles so when this is set to false no one will be able to change the path.

iTMSTransporter output logs

Everytime a worker process runs iTMSTransporter its output is saved and made available through the website. By default the output logs are saved in ROOT/var/lib/output. This location can be changed by setting the output_log_directory option to the desired directory:

# itmsweb.yml

output_log_directory: /mnt/log/itunes
# other options...

This directory must be accessible by the worker and website processess.

More Info