Why dash_sai_create_dash_acl_rule create multiple SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_DASH_ACL_RULE objects? #436
When sai implementation is generated, functions is added:
176 static sai_status_t dash_sai_create_dash_acl_rule(
177 _Out_ sai_object_id_t *dash_acl_rule_id,
178 _In_ sai_object_id_t switch_id,
179 _In_ uint32_t attr_count,
180 _In_ const sai_attribute_t *attr_list)
in generated file: dash-pipeline/SAI/lib/saidashacl.cpp
but internally i see 5 times, so 5 times object is created;
objId = dashSai->getNextObjectId((sai_object_type_t)SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_DASH_ACL_RULE);
and then inserted:
if (false == dashSai->insertInTable(matchActionEntry, objId)) {
but insertion is with the 5 different objects,
that generated code for that functions process in loop several attributes which are duplicated in each process line
can anyone explain my why this is happening ? this function should create only 1 single SAI objects, perhaps multiple bmv2 objects internally, but from SAI perspective only one, i see this as a bug, please explain