diff --git a/analysis_options.yaml b/analysis_options.yaml
index eb8f606..3287945 100755
--- a/analysis_options.yaml
+++ b/analysis_options.yaml
@@ -1,2 +1,53 @@
include: package:lints/recommended.yaml
+/// Returns a list of strongly connected components.
+ /// * If vertices a and b belong to the same strongly connected component,
+ /// then vertex a is reachable from b and vertex b is reachable from a.
+ /// * Uses Tarjans algorithm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan%27s_strongly_connected_components_algorithm#References)
+ /// * If a graph is acyclic, each strongly connected component
+ /// consists of a single vertex and the vertices are listed in inverse
+ /// topological order. Note: The reverse is not true if the graph contains any
+ /// self-loops, that is edges pointing from a vertex to itself.
+ List> get stronglyConnectedComponentsI {
+ final queue = Queue();
+ var index = 0;
+ final result = >[];
+ final lowLink = HashMap();
+ final indices = HashMap();
+ void strongConnect(T vertex) {
+ lowLink[vertex] = index;
+ indices[vertex] = index;
+ index++;
+ queue.addLast(vertex);
+ for (final connectedVertex in edges(vertex)) {
+ if (!indices.containsKey(connectedVertex)) {
+ strongConnect(connectedVertex);
+ lowLink[vertex] = min(lowLink[vertex]!, lowLink[connectedVertex]!);
+ } else if (queue.contains(connectedVertex)) {
+ lowLink[vertex] = min(lowLink[vertex]!, indices[connectedVertex]!);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if vertex is a root node:
+ if (lowLink[vertex] == indices[vertex]) {
+ final scc = [];
+ late T componentVertex;
+ do {
+ componentVertex = queue.removeLast();
+ scc.add(componentVertex);
+ } while (vertex != componentVertex);
+ result.add(scc);
+ }
+ }
+ for (final vertex in sortedVertices) {
+ if (!indices.containsKey(vertex)) {
+ strongConnect(vertex);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
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