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Laravel Document Thumbnail

This package is used to create thumbnail images for document or image files. It supports the following file formats: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, gif, jpg, jpeg, png.


This package only works on a Linux environment. In order to use it, the following libraries must be pre-installed on the Linux environment:


sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev --no-install-recommends


sudo apt-get install ghostscript


sudo apt-get install libreoffice


sudo apt-get install unoconv

Those installation commands are for reference only, and the specific commands to use depend on the corresponding distribution. Please use the appropriate commands for your distribution to ensure accurate installation.


This package uses the Imagick extension of PHP to create thumbnail files, so it is necessary to install this extension.

sudo apt install php-imagick


sudo apt list php-magick -a

After installation, remember to restart the server to activate the extension.

Copy the policy.xml file to the path /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml. This file is used to grant Imagick read and write permissions for PDF files.

Copy the Module1.xba file to the path /usr/lib/libreoffice/presets/basic/Standard/Module1.xba. This file is used to fix the line break issue when creating thumbnails for Excel files.


If you are using Docker, you can add the following lines to your Dockerfile to install the necessary libraries for Linux:

# Install dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    libmagickwand-dev --no-install-recommends \
    ghostscript \
    libreoffice \

# Install php extensions
RUN pecl install imagick
RUN docker-php-ext-enable imagick

Copy the policy.xml and Module1.xba files into the same directory as the docker-compose.yml file.

Then, add them to the volumes section of the app.

    // ***
      // ***
      - ./policy.xml:/etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
      - ./Module1.xba:/usr/lib/libreoffice/presets/basic/Standard/Module1.xba

For more information, please refer to the Docker directory.


Install by using composer:

composer require shishima/laravel-thumbnail

Publish config

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Shishima\Thumbnail\ThumbnailServiceProvider" --tag="thumbnail-config"

After publishing the configuration file, you can edit the app/config/thumbnail file to customize the settings.

Publish default thumbnail icon

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Shishima\Thumbnail\ThumbnailServiceProvider" --tag="thumbnail-assets"

A default file is published to the path public/vendor/laravel_thumbnail/Thumbnail-default.svg. This path is used to specify the default file. You can change it to a different path if necessary.

The default config is used in case the file is not in the list of supported thumbnail file types. In this case, a default icon can be used as a replacement. You can disable this feature by setting enable = false.



The configuration section disks includes two configurations:

  • The disks.temp_thumbnail configuration is utilized to temporarily clone the original file to the temp directory during the thumbnail creation process.
    This allows for modifications to be made to the file before generating the thumbnail. Once the thumbnail is generated, the temporary file is deleted.

  • The disk.thumbnail configuration is used to store the generated thumbnail files.

By default, these files are stored in the storage directory. If you opt to use the default configuration, you will need to create a symbolic link to the public directory.

php artisan storage:link

You can customize these settings as necessary.

Ignore extensions

By default, the package supports the following file extensions: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, gif, jpg, jpeg, png. However, if you want to exclude a specific extension from being processed, you can add it to the ignore_extensions list.

'ignore_extensions' => ['png', 'jpg']


Create thumbnail file

To use the package, you can use the Thumbnail facade:

use Shishima\Thumbnail\Facade\Thumbnail;


In this example, the file can be a path to a file on the system:

use Shishima\Thumbnail\Facade\Thumbnail;

$file = public_path('files/example.docx');

Or it could be a file retrieved from the request when using the POST method in a form submit with <input type="file">.

use Shishima\Thumbnail\Facade\Thumbnail;


The setFile method is used to pass in the file that will have its thumbnail generated, or it can be done by passing the file as a parameter to the create method.


The data returned by the create function will have the following format:

    'name' => 'thumbnail_name',
    'origin_name' => 'thumbnail_origin_name'
    'path' => 'path to file'

Changing options

The default options can be configured in the app/config/thumbnail file, but they can still be changed during the thumbnail generation process by using the following methods:


Changes the default height:



Changes the default width:



Changes both the default width and height:

Thumbnail::setSize(width: 200, height: 200)->create($file);


Changes the default format of the thumbnail:



If the generated thumbnail image is not displayed correctly, you can try changing the layer parameter:



To change multiple options at once, you can use the setOptions method and pass in an array of options:

IMPORTANT! The package only supports changing: width, height, layer, and format options.

$options = [
        'width' => 200,
        'height' => 200,
        'format' => 'png',
        'layer' => 20


By default, the temporary file will be automatically deleted upon completion. Using this function, the temporary file will not be deleted after the conversion is completed.



Contrary to shouldRemoveTempFileAfterConvert, the temporary file will be deleted.


IMPORTANT! By default, the temporary file will be automatically deleted upon completion.

Model events

This feature relies on the model events feature of Laravel. When a request with a file upload is saved to the database, the thumbnail will be automatically created.

Publish migration

This package comes with a migration file that is used to create the thumbnails table which is used to store records of the recently created thumbnail.

To publish:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Shishima\Thumbnail\ThumbnailServiceProvider" --tag="thumbnail-migrations"

Migrate table after publish:

php artisan migrate

Customize migration file

To customize the columns in the thumbnails table, you can change the generated migration file.

After modifying the migration file, use the php artisan migrate command to create a new table.

To add new columns, you can refer to Custom Data Save to add the data.

Change table name

To change the table name, you can change table_name in the app/config/thumbnail file.

Change model

By default, the package will use the \Shishima\Thumbnail\Models\Thumbnail::class model to save data to the database.

You can change this by changing thumbnail_model in the app/config/thumbnail file.


To use the automatic thumbnail creation feature, add the HasThumbnail trait to the Model class:

For example:

use Shishima\Thumbnail\HasThumbnail;

class Document extends Models
    use HasThumbnail;

Thumbnail Event Trigger Configuration

After adding HasThumbnail, you will need to specify the $thumbnailEventTriggerColumn. This column will store the path of the file for which you want to generate a thumbnail.

protected static string $thumbnailEventTriggerColumn = 'file_path';

Disk Configuration

By default, the package will check files using Laravel's Storage class.

If you save files using Laravel's Storage and your disk is different from the filesystems.default configured in config/filesystems, you need to configure the disk information by:

protected static function getDiskOfFileUploaded(): string
    return 'local_public';

IMPORTANT! The current version of the package only supports disks stored locally. Cloud storage will be supported in the future.

Custom Events

The package offers support for two events: saved and updated. If you wish to customize these events, you can achieve that by setting the $thumbnailEvents attribute in the model file.

protected static $thumbnailEvents = ['saved'];

IMPORTANT! The package only supports 2 events: saved and updated. Therefore, other events cannot be added and are not supported."


To disable the thumbnail creation feature, use the $doNotCreateThumbnail property:

protected static $doNotCreateThumbnail = true;


To customize the options in the Model, use the $thumbnailOptions property:

protected static array $thumbnailOptions = [
    'height' => 200,
    'width' => 200,
    'format' => 'png',
    'layer' => 12

Custom Data Save

To customize the data before saving, you can use $thumbnailSaveData:

protected static function thumbnailSaveData($thumbnail, $file, $model): array
    return [
        'name' => 'custom_name',

The parameters passed are:

  • $thumbnail Data returned by the Thumbnail Facade
  • $file File uploaded from the form submission
  • $model Current Model performing the data save

As mentioned earlier, you have the ability to customize the file migration by adding a new mime column, for instance.

By default, the package does not provide support for saving data in custom columns like this.

To address this, you can utilize the thumbnailSaveData method, which allows you to customize the data before it undergoes processing by the Thumbnail Model.

For example:

protected static function thumbnailSaveData($thumbnail, $file, $model): array
    $mime = $file->getMimeType();
    return [
        'name' => 'custom_name',
        'mime' => $mime

Custom Handle Save Data

If you prefer not to utilize the default migration and model included in the package for saving thumbnail records when model events are triggered, you have the option to customize this functionality using the thumbnailCustomSave method.

To illustrate, let's consider a scenario where the current model has a thumbnail column for storing the file path. In this case, you can implement the following code:

protected static function thumbnailCustomSave($thumbnail, $file, $model)
        $model->thumbnail = $thumbnail['path'];
        // Or
        // CustomModelThumbnail::insert($data);

IMPORTANT! Use methods that do not trigger model events, such as saveQuietly or insert, to avoid infinite loop errors.

Overwrite On Update

By default, whenever a model event is triggered, new records are added to the thumbnails table.

However, if you wish to update the existing records when modifying data for the current model, you can make use of the $thumbnailUpdateWillOverwrite feature.

protected static bool $thumbnailUpdateWillOverwrite = true;


Run the tests with:

composer test