This application works as an API mircroservice backend that can get post and delete values from a database. If you connect this to a custom endpoint you can create sn extensive API that is 100% usable and 100% serverless.
To download this project as a template for your own Spotinst Function please use this command
serverless create --template-url
You will need to have the serverless framework installed, your Spotinst credentials set up and you will need MySQL database credentials, environment ID and account ID in order to run this project.
First you will want to install the serverless framework onto your local machine using the terminal command
npm install -g serverless
Once this has finished downloading you will have to set up your credentials to link your local machine projects to your Spotinst console. To do this please follow the directions listed here.
You will also need your environment ID for your function. This can be found on the Spotinst console under the Serverless Functions tab. Select the application you wish to deploy this funciton to and locate the environment that you wish to use. Copy the environment ID and save this for later use
Additionally you will need to have your MySQL host
, username
, database
, and password
to gain access to your data table.
The last thing you will need is your account ID which can be found in the Spotinst console under user setting. Save this for later use.
First you will need to fork this repository and set it up on your local machine. Then you will need to install the serverless-spotinst-functions plugin and the mysql library by running this command inside the project repository:
npm install
Once this has been completed navigate to the handler.js file and input your MySQL credentials. Then you will need to navigate to the serverless.yml file and under environment add in the environment ID in the environment section.
Next you will want to deploy this function using this command:
sls deploy
The first time you run this command your new function will be created and linked to your Spotinst account under the environment that you specified. You can check this on the Spotinst Functions console.
After the project has been deployed you will need to enter you MySQL credentials as environment variables. To do this go to your function on the Spotinst Console and find the variable key host
, user
, password
and database
then enter the value for each of these followed by press Update Function.
Warning: If you edit your code then re-deploy the function your environment variables will get over written. To stop this from happening delete the list of environment variables from the serverless.yml
file after the first deploy
If you have never set up your own custom endpoints and you need help please check out our documentation listed here