Various Games and Graphical Projects made using Python mainly involving the Pygame and tkinter libraries of python.
Baby Hitman -> A 2D game made using pygame in which the main character has to kill the enemy using bullets from his gun. Game includes health bar for both the enemy and the main character as well as the final score of main character.
Checkers AI -> AI checkers game made using minimax algorithm and pygame, involving lot of OOPS concepts.
Covid 19 -> Game made during lockdown period, using pygame very relatable and similar to space invaders.
Flappy Bird AI -> The famous Flappy Bird game played using AI with the help of NEAT(Neuro Evolution of Augenting Topologies) feed-forward genetic algorithm.(Research paper written by Stanley included in the folder.)
Hangman -> Word Guessing Game, a sort of fill in the blanks with a graphical touch.
Online Rock Paper Scissors Game -> Online game made using socket programming in python having 2 clients at each server to play.
Path Finding Algorithm -> Implemented 3 types of path finding algorithms using graphical interface of Pygame(A-star algorithm, Breadth First Search, Djikstra Algorithm).
Sorting Visualizer -> Visualizing various sorting algorithms like Bubble Sort, Bucket Sort, Radix Sort, etc. using 2 different libraries- matplotlib and tkinter respectively.
Space Invaders -> The nostalgic Space Invaders game made using pygame defeating enemy ships using bullets.
Sudoku solver -> Two types of Sudoku Solvers => Graphical(with GUI) made using pygame and non-graphical(normal program).
Bessel Plot -> Plot based on the Bessel Function which used to solve 3D wave equations at given (harmonics)frequency. -> Made using scipy, plotly, ipywidgets, numpy.
Circle Spirograph -> Graphical effect of spirograph made using turtle library using colors - "Red", "Blue", "magenta", "cyan", "green", "yellow", "white".
Complicated -> A complicated graphical star pattern created using turtle library.
Covid Voice Assistant -> A voice assistant made using speech_recognition library for getting voice queries from user related to Covid-19 and display it.
Dino Automate -> The popular Dino Jump game of Google automated using the pyautogui and PIL library (adjust the coordinates according to your laptop / PC)
Fractal Tree -> A beautiful graphical tree made using turtle library made using recursion.
JARVIS -> A personal voice assistant made using the speech_recognition and pyttsx3 libraries to perform various tasks in PC using voice commands.
Jumbled Words -> An interesting GUI game of guessing the correct word from the given letters made using tkinter library.
Pong -> The famous pong game made using turtle library with supported sound effects and multiplayer controls.
Projectile -> A GUI consiting of a ball displaying the projectile motion in gravitational force in which the user can adjust the power with which to throw the ball and the height till which it can throw the ball, made using pygame and math library.
Racey Race -> A very interesting car game, made usig pygame, in which the objective is to avoid the obstacles and increase the score by 1 for avoiding each obstacle.
Shapes using Pygame -> Various shapes such as line, circle, rectangle, polygon made using pygame of different shapes, sizes and colors.
Shapes using Turtle -> Various shapes such as square, rectangle, circle, equilateral triangle, start, spiral made using the turtle library.
Snake Game -> The famous old-school Snake game made using pygame in which the snake has to eat its snack which increases its length. Score = Maximum length of snake.
Stone Paper Scissor -> A simple non graphical game of stone paper scissor played by the user against the computer.
Tic Tac Toe -> The famous old-school tic-tac-toe GUI game made using tkinter library.(2 player game, can be played with friends)
Tic Tac Toe AI -> A non-GUI version of tic-tac-toe game played by the user against the computer / AI by inputing the positions on which the user wants to make his move.
Turtle Draw -> Draw various things on the screen using arrow keys(can go only in straight lines) with various colors(change colors by right clicking on turtle object.
Turtle Draw 2 -> Draw various shapes on the screen free-hand(just like in MS paint) using the turtle library.
Turtle Race -> A Graphical representation of a race between turtles of various colors to the finish line.(race is automatic and any random color can win)
Turtle -> Basic starting point of using turtle library for graphical representation.
pygame-template -> A basic pygame template for creating any game using the pygame library. Used as a starting point for any game made using pygame.