- Provide a 🚨safe🚨 enviroment for others to learn and grow through Open Source.
- Make adding Chat:speech_balloon: to a project easy.
- Enable beautiful and customizable Chat UI's.
- Provide an awesome Open Source project for the iOS open source community.
- Help others learn.
See VISION.md for Goals, Scope, & Technical Considerations.
CocoaPods Recomended
pod 'MessageKit'
- iOS9 or later
Great! Look over these things first.
- Please read our Code of Conduct
- Check the Contributing Guide Lines.
- Come join us on Slack and 🗣 don't be a stranger.
- Check out the current issues and see if you can tackle any of those.
- Download the project and check out the current code base. Suggest any improvements by opening a new issue.
- Check out the What's Next section 👇 to see where we are headed.
- Check StackOverflow
- Install SwiftLint too keep yourself in style.
- Be kind and helpful.
Check out the Releases to see what we are working on next.
Add your app to the list of apps using this library and make a pull request.
Please provide attribution, it is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks to the contributors of this project.
MessageKit is released under the MIT License.
Inspired by JSQMessagesViewController 👈 💯