solr go client from Sendgrid
To start the client
solrzk := solr.NewSolrZK(...)
solrhttp := solr.NewSolrHttp(solrzk)
solrClient := solr.NewSolrHttpRetrier(solrhttp)
The Read and Update methods take a node list use the SolrLocator interface to return a node list
locator := solr.GetSolrLocator(solr.NewSolrZK(...))
type SolrLocator interface {
GetLeaders(docID string) ([]string, error)
GetReplicaUris() ([]string, error)
GetReplicasFromRoute(route string) ([]string, error)
GetLeadersAndReplicas(docID string) ([]string, error)
To make requests
To make updates
solrClient.Update(locator.GetLeadersAndReplicas("{anydocidtoroute}"),collectionName,callsSolrJsonDocs, docsMap)
docker-compose up
docker-compose run gotests bash
go test