- Fix issue 525 in contribution guidelines with syntax errors in hyperlinks and other formatting issues.
- Fix issue 495 to center correctly the prediction intervals
- Fix issue 528 to correct broken ENS image in the documentation
- Fix issue 548 to correct labels generated in tutorial
- Fix issue 547 to fix wrong warning
- Fix issue 480 (correct display of mathematical equations in generated notebooks)
- Temporary solution waiting for issue 588 to be fixed (optimize_beta not working)
- Remove several irrelevant user warnings
- Limit max sklearn version allowed at MAPIE installation
- Refactor MapieRegressor, EnsembleRegressor, and MapieQuantileRegressor, to prepare for the release of v1.0.0
- Documentation build: fix warnings, fix image generation, update sklearn version requirement
- Documentation test: add a doc testing step (in MAKEFILE and CI)
- Increase max line length from 79 to 88 characters
- Bump wheel version
- Other minor evolutions
- Fix issue 511 to access non-conformity scores with previous path
- Update gitignore by including the documentation folder generated for Mondrian
- Fix (partially) the set-up with pip instead of conda for new contributors
- Fix citations and license links
- Fix the CQR tutorial to have same data in both methods
- Add ** predict_params in fit and predict method for Mapie Classifier
- Add Mondrian Conformal Prediction for regression and classification
- Add ** predict_params in fit and predict method for Mapie Regression
- Update the ts-changepoint notebook with the tutorial
- Change import related to conformity scores into ts-changepoint notebook
- Replace assert np.array_equal by np.testing.assert_array_equal in Mapie unit tests
- Replace github.com/simai-ml/MAPIE by `github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/MAPIE`in all Mapie files
- Extend ConformityScore to support regression (with BaseRegressionScore) and to support classification (with BaseClassificationScore)
- Extend EnsembleEstimator to support regression (with EnsembleRegressor) and to support classification (with EnsembleClassifier)
- Refactor MapieClassifier by separating the handling of the MapieClassifier estimator into a new class called EnsembleClassifier
- Refactor MapieClassifier by separating the handling of the MapieClassifier conformity score into a new class called BaseClassificationScore
- Add severals non-conformity scores for classification (LAC, APS, RAPS, TopK) based on BaseClassificationScore
- Transfer the logic of classification methods into the non-conformity score classes (LAC, APS, RAPS, TopK)
- Extend the classification strategy definition by supporting method and conformity_score attributes
- Building unit tests for different Subsample and BlockBooststrap instances
- Change the sign of C_k in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test documentation
- Building a training set with a fraction between 0 and 1 with n_samples attribute when using split method from Subsample class.
- Fix the quantile formula to ensure valid coverage (deal with infinite interval production and asymmetric conformal scores).
- Fix sphinx dependencies
- Issue with update from 0.8.4
- Fix the quantile formula to ensure valid coverage for any number of calibration data in ConformityScore.
- Fix overloading of the value of the method attribute when using MapieRegressor and MapieTimeSeriesRegressor.
- Fix conda versionning.
- Reduce precision for test in MapieCalibrator.
- Fix invalid certificate when downloading data.
- Add citations utility to the documentation.
- Add documentation for metrics.
- Add explanation and example for symmetry argument in CQR.
- Allow the use of y and groups arguments MapieRegressor and MapieClassifier.
- Add possibility of passing fit parameters used by estimators.
- Fix memory issue CQR when testing for upper and lower bounds.
- Add Winkler Interval Score.
- Resolve issue still present in 0.8.1 by updating pandas.
- First attemps at fixing library conda issue.
- Add Adaptative Conformal Inference (ACI) method for MapieTimeSeriesRegressor.
- Add Coverage Width-based Criterion (CWC) metric.
- Allow to use more split methods for MapieRegressor (ShuffleSplit, PredefinedSplit).
- Allow infinite prediction intervals to be produced in regressor classes.
- Integrate ConformityScore into MapieTimeSeriesRegressor.
- Add (extend) the optimal estimation strategy for the bounds of the prediction intervals for regression via ConformityScore.
- Add new checks for metrics calculations.
- Fix reference for residual normalised score in documentation.
- Add prediction set estimation for binary classification.
- Add Learn-Then-Test method for multilabel-classification.
- Add documentation and notebooks for LTT.
- Add a new conformity score, ResidualNormalisedScore, that takes X into account and allows to compute adaptive intervals.
- Refactor MapieRegressor and ConformityScore to add the possibility to use X in ConformityScore.
- Separate the handling of the estimator from MapieRegressor into a new class called EnsembleEstimator.
- Rename methods (score to lac and cumulated_score to aps) in MapieClassifier.
- Add more notebooks and examples.
- Fix an unfixed random state in one of the classification tests.
- Add statistical calibration tests in binary classification.
- Fix and preserve the split behavior of the check_cv method with and without random state.
- Add grouped conditional coverage metrics named SSC for regression and classification
- Add HSIC metric for regression
- Migrate conformity scores classes into conformity_scores module
- Migrate regression classes into regression module
- Add split conformal option for regression and classification
- Update check method for calibration
- Fix bug in MapieClassifier with different number of labels in calibration dataset.
- Fix runtime warning with RAPS method
- Fix bug when labels do not start at 0
- Make MapieClassifier a scikit-learn object
- Update documentation for MapieClassifier
- Fix still existing bug for classification with very low scores
- Add RCPS and CRC for multilabel-classification
- Add Top-Label calibration
- Fix bug for classification with very low scores
- Add RAPS method for classification
- Add theoretical description for RAPS
- Add tutorial for time series
- Convert existing tutorials in .py
- Add prefit method for CQR
- Add tutorial for CQR
- Add packaging library in requirements
- Fix displaying problem in pypi
- Relax and fix typing
- Add Split Conformal Quantile Regression
- Add EnbPI method for Time Series Regression
- Add EnbPI Documentation
- Add example with heteroscedastic data
- Add ConformityScore class that allows the user to define custom conformity scores
- Refactorize unit tests
- Add "naive" and "top-k" methods in MapieClassifier
- Include J+aB method in regression tutorial
- Add MNIST example for classification
- Add cross-conformal for classification
- Add notebooks folder containing notebooks used for generating documentation tutorials
- Uniformize the use of matrix k_ and add an argument "ensemble" to method "predict" in regression.py
- Add replication of the Chen Xu's tutorial testing Jackknife+aB vs Jackknife+
- Add Jackknife+-after-Bootstrap documentation
- Improve scikit-learn pipelines compatibility
- Add Jackknife+-after-Bootstrap method and add mean and median as aggregation functions
- Add "cumulative_score" method in MapieClassifier
- Allow image as input in MapieClassifier
- Renaming estimators.py module to regression.py
- New classification.py module with MapieClassifier class, that estimates prediction sets from softmax score
- New set of unit tests for classification.py module
- Modification of the documentation architecture
- Split example gallery into separate regression and classification galleries
- Add first classification examples
- Add method classification_coverage_score in the module metrics.py
- Fixed code error for plotting of interval widths in tutorial of documentation
- Added missing import statements in tutorial of documentation
- Refactorize tests of n_jobs and verbose in utils.py
- Inclusion in conda-forge with updated release checklist
- Add time series example
- Add epistemic uncertainty example
- Remove CicleCI redundancy with ReadTheDocs
- Remove Pep8speaks
- Include linting in CI/CD
- Use PyPa github actions for releases
- Set alpha parameter as predict argument, with None as default value
- Switch to github actions for continuous integration of the code
- Add image explaining MAPIE internals on the README
- Add cv="prefit" option
- Add sample_weight argument in fit method
- Add n_jobs argument using joblib parallel processing
- Allow cv to take the value -1 equivalently to LeaveOneOut()
- Introduce the cv parameter to get closer to scikit-learn API
- Remove the n_splits, shuffle and random_state parameters
- Simplify the method parameter
- Fix typos in documentation and add methods descriptions in sphinx
- Accept alpha parameter as a list or np.ndarray. If alpha is an Iterable, .predict() returns a np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, 3, len(alpha)).
- Move all alpha related operations to predict
- Assume default LinearRegression if estimator is None
- Improve documentation
- return_pred argument is now ensemble boolean
- Update PyPi homepage
- Set up publication workflows as a github action
- Update issue and pull request templates
- Increase sklearn compatibility (coverage_score and unit tests)
- First release on PyPi
- First release on TestPyPi
- Implement metrics.coverage
- Implement estimators.MapieRegressor