- rust driven bacdive analyzer.
- analyses all the bacdive data and the bacdive function download the coresponding bacdive pages for the offline viewing.
- id, isolation, strain, type_strain download the corresponding webpages from the bacdive.
- bacdive-web allows you to download a multitude of webpages for the corresponding ids.
- please see the last commit message and if it says compiled binary then it is completed or else still in development version.
cargo build
➜ bacdive-analyzer git:(main) ✗ ./target/debug/bacdive-analyzer -h
Usage: bacdive-analyzer <COMMAND>
search-id present the list of the unique ids present
searchspecies provide the species present in the bacdive
searchdesignation provide the designation header present in the bacdive
searchstrain-number provide the strain number present in the bacdive
search-strainheader provide the strain header present in the bacdive
id search for the specific id and json output
species search for the specific id and json output
designation search for the specific designation and json output
strain search for the specific strain number and json output
strain-type search for the specific strain type an json output
bacdive-web please provide the bacdiveid for the link to prepare
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Gaurav Sablok