A set of tools to reconstruct trajectorys from Inertial Motion Unit measurements (Gyroscope and Accelerometer).
- An implimentation of quaternions for sue in attitude estimation see: wiki:QuaternionDeadreckoning.py
- An implimentation of simple deadreckoning by directly intergating measurementsEKF.py
- A refined deadreckoning implimentation that uses prior gravity vector measurments to correct the attitude estimation via Extended Kalman Filtering (EKF)EKF_fut.py
- An EKF implimentaion that uses prior and future gavity measurements to correct the attitude.
- Pandas
- Numpy
- matplotlib
- pytest
The mathematical basis for the trajectory reconstruction methods used here cna be found in the accompanying paper.
The research for this paper was conducted using a 6 axis LSM6SD3 IMU embedded on a Arduino 33Iot board.
[1] D. Tedaldi, A. Pretto, and E. Menegatti, A robust and easy to implement method for imu calibration without external equipments, 2014.