This repo is created for studies conducted during the MSc. education.
It is done for observing any discrepancies between Maxwell 2D and 3D results. Doing so is enabling us to obtain more accurate 2D results. More specifically, this study is conducted for determining the effective length of the machine accurately by comparing it with the conventional Carter's factor method.
Aim is controlling the ANSYS Electronics Desktop packages from MATLAB, which offers postprocessing the results from MATLAB. It utilizes visual basic scripting for connection.
This is an optimization study for hydro generator design. It includes MATLAB scripts of the optimization algorithm and RMxprt model. For now, RMxprt is utilized for faster calculations. The connection between ANSYS and MATLAB is provided by MATLAB2ANSYS study.
Includes Roebel winding drawing trials. CAD models are created from SOLIDWORKS.