This repository is for CoinNet: Deep Ancient Roman Republican Coin Classification via Feature Fusion and Attention (CoinNet) introduced in the following paper
Hafeez Anwar, Saeed Anwar, Sebastian Zambanini, Fatih Porikli, "CoinNet: Deep Ancient Roman Republican Coin Classification via Feature Fusion and Attention", Pattern Recognition, 2021, PDF and arXiv
The model is built in
- PyTorch 1.1.0,
- Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 environment
- Python 3.7.5
- CUDA9.0
- cuDNN5.1
We perform classification of ancient Roman Republican coins via recognizing their reverse motifs where various objects, faces, scenes, animals, and buildings are minted along with legends. Most of these coins are eroded due to their age and varying degrees of preservation, thereby affecting their informative attributes for visual recognition. Changes in the positions of principal symbols on the reverse motifs also cause huge variations among the coin types. Lastly, in-plane orientations, uneven illumination, and a moderate background clutter further make the task of classification non-trivial and challenging. To this end, we present a novel network model, CoinNet, that employs compact bilinear pooling, residual groups, and feature attention layers. Furthermore, we gathered the largest and most diverse image dataset of the Roman Republican coins that contains more than 18,000 images belonging to 228 different reverse motifs. On this dataset, our model achieves a classification accuracy of more than 98% and outperforms the conventional bag-of-visual-words based approaches and more recent state-of-the-art deep learning methods. We also provide a detailed ablation study of our network and its generalization capability.
Variations in the anatomy of the reverse motifs due to the positions of the symbol (Red-dotted line border), main object(Blue-Solid line border), and legend(Orangedashed line border).The following figure shows the architecture of our network
Our model highlighting the Compact Bilinear Pooling, residual blocks, skip connections, and feature attention. The green and yellow cubes indicate the embedded features via CNN networks.
Download the trained models for our paper and place them in '..'. The model can be downloaded from Google Drive. The size is 409MB
Cd to 'CoinNet_Model', run the following scripts. You can use the following script to test the algorithm
The dataset can be downloaded from Google Drive. The size of the dataset is 8.65GB
Samples images of the 100 classes that constitute the RRCD-Main. Comparison of our method with state-of-the-art methods on train-test split of 30%-70%. All results reported as top-1 mean accuracy on the test set Comparison of different input features combinations to our CoinNet. Our network is robust to the change in the input features such as generated via ResNet50 (r50), DenseNet161 (d161) and Vgg19. The effect of the vocabulary size on the classification performance for BoVWs and rectangular tiling. Accuracy on the unseen coin types for competing CNNs Visualization results from Grad-CAM. The visualization is computed for the last convolutional outputs, and the ground-truth labels are shown on the left column the input images. The correctly classified images are represented with green circles while the wrongly classified ones are in red circles. In the first row, the confidence of the NasNet is always low although the model can classify correctly. The second shows that the confidence of the VGG, which is consistently high even for wrongly classified classes. The traditional classifiers as the CNN methods may be benefiting from the weights of ImageNet.If you find the code helpful in your resarch or work, please cite the following papers.
title = {Deep Ancient Roman Republican Coin Classification via Feature Fusion and Attention},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
pages = {107871},
year = {2021},
issn = {0031-3203},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Hafeez Anwar and Saeed Anwar and Sebastian Zambanini and Fatih Porikli},