RS Mod is a RuneScape game-server emulator that aims to be as mechanically accurate to the original as possible.
This project requires Java 11 or later.
Check out the Installing Java section for setup instructions.
- On the top-left toolbar: File → New → Project from Version Control (reference)
- In the Clone Repository window: URL →
(reference) - In the Open Project pop-up that appears: This Window or New Window (personal choice) (reference)
- Once the project loads, you'll see a Load Gradle Project option: (reference)
- Click on Load Gradle Project and wait for the process to finish
- On the top-right Run / Debug Configurations: GameServer (reference)
- Now click on the Run 'GameServer' button: (reference)
- The first time running the server will automatically download all the required game files.
- You will see eventual "progress" output in the console: (reference)
- Now that your development environment is set up, any following runs will be much faster.
- Note: a default "logback" configuration file may have been picked up. To fix the default logging in console, simply restart the server.
git clone cd rsmod gradlew install --console=plain && gradlew run --console=plain
RS Mod is compatible with RSProx. It is the most readily-available client to use for the game-server.
Check out the Compatible Clients section for more information.
- Adoptium OpenJDK 11 LTS Recommended option (free & open-source)
- OpenJDK 11
- Oracle JDK 11 Requires Login
- Linux/macOS: Using SDKMAN!
sdk install java 11.0.20-tem
- macOS: Using Homebrew
brew install openjdk@11
- Windows: Using WinGet
winget install --id EclipseAdoptium.Temurin.11.JDK
We highly suggest using RSProx as the client-of-choice:
- Free & open-source
- Actively maintained
- Allows inspection of individual packets sent to/from the server
- Essential for developing and verifying game mechanics
This is an invaluable tool for debugging and ensuring accurate game mechanics.
At this time, the project is still in its early stages and not yet ready for external contributions. Before opening it up to contributions, we want to ensure the codebase and API are well-defined and that clear guidelines are in place for contributors.
Stay tuned for updates as the project matures!
RS Mod is available under the terms of the ISC license, which is similar to the 2-clause BSD license. The full copyright notice and terms are available in the LICENSE file.