RMON (remote monitoring) is an easy to understand and use geo-distributed monitoring.
- Telegram Channel about RMON, talks and questions are welcome
- Checking ping availability
- Checking DNS records availability
- Checking the availability of TCP and UDP ports
- Checking HTTP statuses
- Checking the BODY of HTTP(s) responses
- Checking the SSL expiration date
- Checking SMTP service
- Checking RabbitMQ service
- Sending Telegram, Slack, PagerDuty and Email notifications
- Real-time alerting via RMON web interface
- Checking network connectivity
- Providing information upon response time
- Providing information upon servers uptime and downtime
- Storing the alarm history
- Storing the history of events for each host
- Status pages
- RMON Agents
- Network tools
For installation on EL and Ubuntu read this guide