KLineKWP1281Lib is a library used for communicating with VAG control modules which use the proprietary VAG Key-Word 1281 protocol (KWP1281/KW1281), through an Arduino / ESP development board.
- Ability to use any method to send and receive data (best being a hardware serial port, or software serial if an additional port is not available)
- Connecting to any control module that supports KWP1281
- Reading the module's part number + extra fields
- Reading coding and WSC
- Reading the module's identification field (for example, the vehicle's VIN)
- "Login"
- "Coding" for changing the coding and/or WSC
- "Fault Codes" for reading stored fault codes and their status
- Clearing stored fault codes
- "Adaptation" for reading an adaptation value on a specified channel
- Testing an adaptation value on a specified channel
- Saving an adaptation value to a specified channel
- "Meas. Blocks" for reading for an entire measuring block (calculating actual value + providing proper units of measurement for any measurement and providing text strings for those that require it)
- Reading ROM / EEPROM (firmware)
- "Output Tests"
- "Basic Settings"
- Ability to keep the connection alive while doing other tasks
- "Security Access"
- Measurement / DTC labels or descriptions
Download the latest release (.zip) and add it to your Arduino IDE.
Read the documentation on the wiki!
After completing the hardware setup, proceed to upload the demo by navigating to File -> Examples -> KLineKWP1281Lib -> 01.Connection_test
in the Arduino IDE.
Thanks go out to these people for their efforts:
- Blafusel.de, for the best documentation available for the protocol
- Alexander Grau, for the base code
- Mike Naberezny, for more insight about the commands and parameters
For any inquiries, you can contact me at ne555timer@yahoo.com.