let x = Rust::from("Python");
A quick reference guide for the Pythonista in process of becoming a Rustacean.
Mrs. Jalin: George.
Mr. Jalin: Yes, Gladys.
Mrs. Jalin: There's a man at the door with a moustache.
Mr. Jalin: Tell him I've already got one. (Mrs. Jalin hits him hard with a newspaper)
All right, all right. What's he want then?
Mrs. Jalin: He says do we want a documentary on crustaceans.
Mr. Jalin: Crustaceans!
Mrs. Jalin: Yes.
Mr. Jalin: What's he mean, crustaceans?
Ok... watch it later... let's learn some Rust now...
- Getting Started with Rust
- Where to exercise
- Where to be informed on news and updates
- Interacting with Rustacean Communities
- Additional learning Resources
- Curious Facts
- py2rs: Glossary of terms
- py2rs: General fact comparison
- py2rs: Environment Tools
- py2rs: Libraries and Frameworks
- py2rs: Applications
- py2rs: Useful Crates
- py2rs: Code comparison Python X Rust implementations
- Credits
Assuming you already know what is Rust and already decided to start learning it. Here are some steps for you to follow:
- Take a tour of Rust Syntax and Coding Style
https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/rust/ and Tour if Rust https://tourofrust.com/ - Watch some screencasts to get basics of Ownership &Borrowing concept
http://intorust.com/ or if you understand Portuguese watch Aprenda Rust - Follow this set of runnable examples to understand how everything fit together
https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/rust-by-example/ - Now it is time to read your first book, you can pick:
Rust Essentials
A good introduction to Rust language in a more
approach which results in a very pleasant and easy reading, recommended even for those who are not experienced with low level systems languages.- Paparback and e-book available on Packt Publisher
- Paparback and e-book available on Packt Publisher
TRPL (The Rust Programming language Book)
A complete Guide to Rust Language
https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/- Official Book
- Free to read online
- Available as paperback or e-book (buy at Amazon)
- Read some real examples
- Rust Cookbook
https://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/rust-cookbook/ This Rust Cookbook is a collection of simple examples that demonstrate good practices to accomplish common programming tasks, using the crates of the Rust ecosystem. - Anthology
- Rust Cookbook
- Patterns and Good Practices
- Rust Patterns https://github.com/rust-unofficial/patterns
- API Guidelines https://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/api-guidelines/
Time to put your new knowledge in action solving some exercises.
Register a new account on exercism.io (using github auth)
Install exercism command line client on your computer
Solve some exercises: https://www.exercism.io/languages/rust/ -
Rust Playground
Run Live Rust Code in the browser with https://play.rust-lang.org/ -
Rustlings Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code. Clone the repo and follow the guide. This is a great way to get used to dialogue with the compiler. Interactive rust exercises: https://github.com/rust-lang/rustlings
Now I assume you are addicted to Rust and you want to be updated about everything around it, here are some good links to follow.
- This Week in Rust Newsletter
https://twitter.com/thisweekinrust - Awesome Rust Newsletter
https://rust.libhunt.com/ - Reddit
http://reddit.com/r/rust (serious sub-reddit)
http://reddit.com/r/rustjerk (almost memes only) - Official Twitter
Don't be afraid, the Rustaceans are a very receptive species and are cozy with the Pythonistas.
- General
- Youtube : http://bit.ly/canalrustbr
- Telegram: https://t.me/rustlangbr
- Rust BH
- Rust in POA
- General
- General
- FB Groups (Rustaceans Indonesia) : https://fb.com/groups/RustaceansID
- FB Groups (Rust ID) : https://fb.com/groups/rustindo
- Telegram (Rust Indonesia) : https://t.me/rustindonesia
- General
- General
- FB Groups (RustyCrate) : https://facebook.com/rustycrate/
- Telegram (pro Rust) : https://t.me/proRust
- General
Add your country/city here, send a Pull Request.
- Learning Rust https://learning-rust.github.io/
- Rust Learning https://github.com/ctjhoa/rust-learning
- Rust Guidelines (WIP) https://aturon.github.io/
- Rust Design Patterns and Idioms https://github.com/rust-unofficial/patterns/
- Idiomatic Rust https://github.com/mre/idiomatic-rust
- GTK Rust Tutorial https://mmstick.github.io/gtkrs-tutorials/
- Effective use of iterators http://hermanradtke.com/2015/06/22/effectively-using-iterators-in-rust.html
- Red Hat Developers: Speed up Your Python with Rust https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2017/11/16/speed-python-using-rust/
- What's a reference in Rust? (The best article to understand
) https://jvns.ca/blog/2017/11/27/rust-ref/
- The language is named Rust because "rust is as close to the bare metal as you can get".,
in metal theory rust is the chemical layer closest to bare metal.
(also Wikipedia says that the name was possibly inspired by the name of a Fungi) - The Rust
is 1) Memory Safe, 2) Fast 3) Concurrent - Rust can be used for web development http://www.arewewebyet.org/
- Rust can be used for Gaming Development http://arewegameyet.com/
- Rust can be used for Machine Learning http://www.arewelearningyet.com/
- Lots of IDEs and Editors supports Rust https://areweideyet.com/
(VSCode is known to have the better support by now https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=kalitaalexey.vscode-rust) - Rust packages are called
and are installed byCargo
explore them at http://crates.io - In Rust there is no Class but Structs, Enums, Traits, functions and macros!
- Rust compiler was first written in OCaml then rewritten in Rust! (Rust is written in Rust!!!)
- Rust type system is strongly inspired by Haskell
- Rust functional style is inspired by Erlang
- Rust type inference is mainly inspired by ML and also by Haskell
- The main syntax style is inspired by C and C++
- There is no automated Garbage Collector so Rust frees memory based on Resource Aquisition RAII (a.k.a Ownership)
- Rust has Generic Types!!!
- As Rust is close to bare metal you can ship a program without the inclusion of Rust's runtime which makes easy to distribute programs (no need of dependencies and virtuelenvs management)
- Graydon Hoare (creator of Rust) is now working at Apple developing the Swift language
- Rust is the developers most loved language according to Stack Overflow Survey
- Rust is the most energy efficient language! and that is very important for environment, data center companies and maybe it can help saving your laptop and phone battery in near future.
- There is an Operating System written in Rust - https://www.redox-os.org/
- Mozilla released the fastest version of Firefox (quantum) having many parts written on Rust
- The Rust mascot (unofficial) is called Ferris and it is a crab http://www.rustacean.net/
(There is no record of the official reason about being a crab, the reasonable history is that it was inspired by the Rusty Crab a common species of crab and also a name of a famous restaurant.) - To compliment your fellow Rustaceans don't say
cheers!. Say safe! (safe! is also said when toasting with champagne at Rust conferences) - Rust is to become a second programming language for the Linux kernel (see here)
- Rust is the language choosen by Microsoft to rewrite parts of Windows Kernel
More facts? and curiosities send a question here or send a Pull Request adding an interest fact to this list.
Term | Definition |
crate | A rust distributable package |
ferris | The unofficial Crab Mascot |
Rustacean | The Rust programmer or evangelist or enthusiastic |
nightly | The unstable toolchain of the Rust compiler |
impl | Implementation |
let x = Rust::from("Python");
A quick reference guide for the Pythonista in process of becoming a Rustacean.
Python | Definition | Rust |
PEP8 | Guidelines and conventions | RustAPI Guidelines |
PEPS | Enhancement Proposals / RFC | Rust RFCs |
PSF | Organization / Foundation | [Rust Foundation](https://foundation.rust-lang.org/ |
PyCon | Main Conference | RustConf |
Guido Van Rossum | Creator | Graydon Hoare |
1989 | First appeared | 2010 |
1991 | First Release | 2012 |
PSF | License | Apache 2.0 and MIT |
C | Implemented in | Rust |
.py, .pyw, .pyc | File Extensions | .rs, .rlib |
http://github.com/python/cpython | Repository | https://github.com/rust-lang/rust |
Pyladies, AfroPython | Diversity and Inclusion initiative | RustBridge |
comp.lang.Python | Official Users Forum | users.rust-lang.org |
Python | Definition | Rust |
requirements.txt |
Official dependency tracker file | Cargo.toml |
setup.py |
Official installator / distributor file | Cargo.toml |
PyPI | Library repository | Crates.io |
pip | Library installation | Cargo |
setuptools and poetry | Library distribution | Cargo |
pbr | Library distribution | Cargo |
pipenv and poetry | Dependency manager | Cargo |
twine | Package uploader | Cargo and Semantic |
venv * |
Isolated environments | Cargo |
pyinstaller | Generate standalone executables | Cargo |
pyenv | Install and manage versions of language | rustup |
pydoc and sphinx | Generate documentation from code | rustdoc and Cargo |
python | Interpreter / Compiler | rustc and Cargo |
ipython | REPL | iRust |
ipdb | Debugger | rust-gdb |
Extending Python with C or C++ | Foreign language interface | PyO3 |
Python | Definition | Rust |
urllib * |
HTTP calls | hyper |
requests | Simplified HTTP calls | reqwest |
json | JSON parsing loading and dumping | serde |
pyYAML | YAML parsing loading and dumping | serde |
lxml | XML parsing loading and dumping | RustyXML |
csv * |
CSV parsing | rust-csv |
datetime * & Dateutils |
Date & time | Chrono |
click and argparse | CLI Framework | clap |
docopt | CLI Framework | docopt |
re * |
Regular Expressions | regex |
subprocess * |
Run external commands | subprocess |
multiprocessing * |
Multiprocessing | Rayon |
logging * |
Logging | log |
Pathlib * |
Path manipulation | fs and fs_extra |
cryptography | Crytography | crypto |
pickle * |
Object serialization | RON |
heapq * |
Heap queue | BinaryHeap * |
bottle | Minimal web framework | Iron |
flask | Web framework | Rocket |
django | Full stack web framework | DO NOT EXIST YET |
SQL Alchemy | Relational database ORM | Diesel |
Pymongo | MongoDB driver | mongodb |
Jinja 2 | Template engine | Tera |
pygtk | GTk desktop development | gtk |
pyside | QT desktop development | rust-qt |
pygame | 2D UI library / gaming | ggez & Conrod & Piston |
unitest2 | Test framework | Builtin |
nose | Test runner | Cargo |
pytest | Testing framework and runner | Polish |
Flake8 | Linter | Clippy |
autopep8 and black | Auto formatter | rustfmt |
twisted | Network application framework | libpnet |
AsyncIO * |
Async application framework | Tokio and futures |
Pillow | Image manipulation | Image |
Beautiful Soup | HTML parser | html5ever |
Hypothesis | Data driven test framework | Quickcheck and proptest |
mock | Test mocking | Mockers |
bioPython | Bioinformathics libraries | Rust Bio |
Dynaconf | Config management | Config |
itertools * |
Data structure iteration | Rust Itertools |
Geopython | Geo spatial data | Geo Rust |
ScikitLearn | Machine learning | rusty-machine |
mistune | Markdown / Common Mark Parser | cmark |
celery | Distributed computation | Antimony |
boto | AWS clients | rusoto |
AstroPy | Astronomy | astro-rust |
Numpy | Numeric | Numeric |
Pandas | Dataframes | Polars |
Python | Definition | Rust |
Pelican | Static Site generator | Cobalt |
ansible | Infra Orchestration | realize |
mkdocs | Generate documentation and e-books from Markdown | mdBook |
locust | HTTP load test | drill |
Nameko | Microservices Framework | fractalide |
Quokka CMS | CMS | Nickel CMS |
Add Pythonic features to Rust
Python | Definition | Rust |
{'foo': "bar"} |
Syntax to create a dict / hashmap | maplit |
__init__(self, value='default') |
Instance initialization (with some default values) | derive_new |
itertools *stdlib |
Extra iterators methods | itertools |
hashlib * |
Password Hashing | libpasta |
From Python to Rust by examples
You can copy-paste and run the Rust examples in https://play.rust-lang.org/ and Python in https://repl.it/languages/python3
Create a new project with basic files, entry points, module initializer, dependency and installation artifacts.
$ mkdir {pyproject,pyproject/src}
$ touch {pyproject/src/{__init__.py,__main__.py,program.py},pyproject/{requirements.txt,setup.py}}
$ echo "-e ." >> pyproject/requirements.txt
$ echo "from setuptools import setup" >> pyproject/setup.py
$ echo "setup(author=..., name=...)" >> pyproject/setup.py
$ cargo new my-rust-program
$ pip install foo
$ cargo install foo
$ python my_python_program.py
$ cargo run
In Rust, there is a --release
flag that allows for more compile time optimization to be done, but it will take longer to compile
$ cargo run --release
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Hello, World")
fn main() {
println!("Hello, World");
Create new objects, values on basic primitive types and also data structures.
age = 80
name = 'daffy'
weight = 62.3
loons = ['bugs', 'daffy', 'taz']
ages = { # Ages for 2017
'daffy': 80,
'bugs': 79,
'taz': 63,
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
let age = 80;
let name = "daffy";
let weight = 62.3;
let mut loons = vec!["bugs", "daffy", "taz"];
let mut ages = HashMap::new(); // Ages for 2017
ages.insert("daffy", 80);
ages.insert("bugs", 79);
ages.insert("taz", 63);
Defining a function that takes 2 integer arguments and returns its sum.
def add(a, b):
"""Adds a to b"""
return a + b
Python with typing annotations
It looks more similar to Rust.
def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
"""Adds a to b"""
return a + b
/// Adds a to b
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
a + b
Creating a list, adding new elements, gettings its length, slicing by index, iterating using for loop and iterating with enumerator.
names = ['bugs', 'taz', 'tweety']
print(names[0]) # bugs
print(len(names)) # 4
print(names[2:]) # ['tweety', 'elmer']
for name in names:
for i, name in enumerate(names):
print('{} at {}'.format(name, i))
fn main() {
let mut names = vec!["bugs", "taz", "tweety"];
println!("{}", names[0]); // bugs
println!("{}", names.len()); // 4
println!("{:?}", &names[2..]); // ["tweety", "elmer"]
for name in &names {
println!("{}", name);
for (i, name) in names.iter().enumerate() {
println!("{} at {}", i, name);
.step_by() is the equivalent for python's range/xrange step parameter.
for i in range(0,10,2):
print(i) # 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
for i in (0..10).step_by(2) {
println!("{}", i); // 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
Create new dictionaries (hash maps), adding new keys and values, changing values, getting by key, checking if a key is containing, etc.
# Creating a new dict and populating it
ages = {}
ages['daffy'] = 80
ages['bugs'] = 79
ages['taz'] = 63
# or doing the same using a for loop
ages = {}
for name, age in [("daffy", 80), ("bugs", 79), ("taz", 63)]:
ages[name] = age
# or initializing from a list
ages = dict([("daffy", 80), ("bugs", 79), ("taz", 63)])
# or passing key values on creation
ages = { # Ages for 2017
'daffy': 80,
'bugs': 79,
'taz': 63,
ages['elmer'] = 80
print(ages['bugs']) # 79
print('bugs' in ages) # True
del ages['taz']
for name in ages: # Keys
for name, age in ages.items(): # Keys & values
print('{} is {} years old'.format(name, age))
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
// Creating a new HashMap and populating it
let mut ages = HashMap::new(); // Ages for 2017
ages.insert("daffy", 80);
ages.insert("bugs", 79);
ages.insert("taz", 63);
// or doing the same using a loop
let mut ages = HashMap::new();
for &(name, age) in [("daffy", 80), ("bugs", 79), ("taz", 63)].iter() {
// For non-Copy data, remove & and use iter().clone()
ages.insert(name, age);
// or initializing from Array
let mut ages: HashMap<&str, i32> = // Ages for 2017
[("daffy", 80),
("bugs", 79),
("taz", 63)]
// or initializing from Vec (Iterator)
let mut ages: HashMap<&str, i32> = // Ages for 2017
("daffy", 80),
("bugs", 79),
("taz", 63)
ages.insert("elmer", 80);
println!("{}", ages["bugs"]); // 79
println!("{}", ages.contains_key("bugs")); // true
for name in ages.keys() { // Keys
println!("{}", name);
for (name, age) in &ages { // Keys & values
println!("{} is {} years old", name, age);
You can use the maplit crate to load hashmap!
macro to have an efficient sugared (a.k.a Pythonic) syntax!
# Cargo.toml
maplit = "*"
#[macro_use] extern crate maplit;
let map = hashmap!{
"daffy" => 80,
"bugs" => 79,
"taz" => 63,
Create a set
(a hash of unique keys), add new keys and compute intersection
, difference
and union
# creating and populating
colors = set()
# using literal syntax
colors = {'red', 'green', 'blue', 'blue'}
# from an iterator
colors = set(['red', 'green', 'blue', 'blue'])
# deduplication
print(colors) # {"blue", "green", "red"}
# operations
colors = {'red', 'green', 'blue', 'blue'}
flag_colors = {"red", "black"}
# difference
colors.difference(flag_colors) # {'blue', 'green'}
# symmetric difference
colors.symmetric_difference(flag_colors) # {'black', 'blue', 'green'}
# intersection
colors.intersection(flag_colors) # {'red'}
# union
colors.union(flag_colors) # {'black', 'blue', 'green', 'red'}
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
fn main() {
// creating and populating - type inference
let mut colors = HashSet::new();
// from an iterator - explicit type
let mut colors: HashSet<&str> = HashSet::from_iter(vec!["red", "green", "blue", "blue"]);
// deduplication
println!("{:?}", colors); // {"blue", "green", "red"}
// Operations
let mut colors: HashSet<&str> = HashSet::from_iter(vec!["red", "green", "blue", "blue"]);
let mut flag_colors: HashSet<&str> = HashSet::from_iter(vec!["red", "black"]);
// difference
colors.difference(&flag_colors); // ["green", "blue"]
// symmetric difference
colors.symmetric_difference(&flag_colors); // ["blue", "green", "black"]
// intersection
colors.intersection(&flag_colors); // ["red"]
// union
colors.union(&flag_colors); // ["red", "blue", "green", "black"]
or syntax sugared using maplit crate
#[macro_use] extern crate maplit;
let colors = hashset!{"red", "green", "blue", "blue"};
Looping until a condition is met or over an iterable object.
# While loop
counter = 0
while counter < 10:
counter += 1
# infinite while loop
while True:
print("loop Forever!")
# infinite while loop with break
counter = 0
while True:
counter += 1
if counter >= 10:
# while loop with continue
counter = 0
while True:
counter += 1
if counter == 5:
if counter >= 10:
# For loop over a list
for color in ["red", "green", "blue"]:
# Enumerating indexes
for i, color in enumerate(["red", "green", "blue"]):
print(f"{color} at index {i}")
# For in a range
for number in range(0, 100):
print(number) # from 0 to 99
fn main() {
// While loop
let mut counter = 0;
while counter < 10 {
println!("{}", counter);
counter += 1;
// infinite while loop
loop {
println!("Loop forever!");
// infinite while loop with break
let mut counter = 0;
loop {
println!("{}", counter);
counter += 1;
if counter >= 10 { break; }
// infinite while loop with continue
let mut counter = 0;
loop {
counter += 1;
if counter == 5 { continue; }
println!("{}", counter);
if counter >= 10 { break; }
// for loop over a list
for color in ["red", "green", "blue"].iter() {
println!("{}", color);
// Enumerating indexes
for (i, color) in ["red", "green", "blue"].iter().enumerate() {
println!("{} at index {}", color, i);
// for in a range
for number in 0..100 {
println!("{}", number); // from 0 to 99
Rust has a looping feature which is not present on Python: Loop labels
'outer: for x in 0..10 {
'inner: for y in 0..10 {
if x % 2 == 0 { continue 'outer; } // continues the loop over x
if y % 2 == 0 { continue 'inner; } // continues the loop over y
println!("x: {}, y: {}", x, y);
Read a text file and iterate its lines printing the content, properly close the file at the end.
from pathlib import Path
with Path("/tmp/song.txt").open() as fp:
# Iterate over lines
for line in fp:
use std::io::{BufReader, BufRead};
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::Path;
fn main () {
let fp = File::open(Path::new("/tmp/song.txt")).unwrap();
let file = BufReader::new(&fp);
for line in file.lines() {
// Iterate over lines
println!("{}", line.unwrap());
Expecting for exceptions and identifying errors.
def div(a, b):
if b == 0:
raise ValueError("b can't be 0")
return a / b
# ...
div(1, 0)
except ValueError:
print('An error occurred!')
fn div(a: i32, b: i32) -> Result<i32, &'static str> {
if b == 0 {
Err("b can't be 0")
} else {
Ok(a / b)
fn main() {
match div(1, 0) {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(_) => println!("An error occurred!"),
thr = Thread(target=add, args=(1, 2), daemon=True)
use std::thread;
thread::spawn(|| {
Managing data context between threads.
from queue import Queue
queue = Queue()
# ...
# Send message from a thread
# ...
# Get message to a thread
val = queue.get()
use std::thread;
use std::sync::mpsc;
fn main() {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
let sender = thread::spawn(move || {
let val = String::from("hi");
println!("Sent {}", val);
let receiver = thread::spawn(move || {
let received = rx.recv().unwrap();
println!("Received: {}", received);
Sorting lists, reversing and using a key.
names = ['taz', 'bugs', 'daffy']
# Lexicographical order
# Reversed lexicographical order
# Sort by length
fn main() {
let mut names = ["taz", "bugs", "daffy"];
// Lexicographical order
// Reversed lexicographical order
names.sort_by(|a, b| b.cmp(a));
// Sort by length
names.sort_by_key(|a| a.len());
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
return 'Hello Python'
if __name__ == '__main__':
extern crate rocket;
fn index() -> &'static str {
"Hello Rust"
fn main() {
rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![index]).launch();
Using requests
import requests
url = 'https://httpbin.org/ip'
resp = requests.get(url)
except HTTPError as err:
msg = f"error: cannot get {url} - {err}"
raise SystemExit(msg)
assert resp.status_code == 200
print(f"The response content is: {resp.content}")
using reqwest
extern crate reqwest;
use std::io::Read;
fn main() {
let url = "https://httpbin.org/ip";
let mut resp = match reqwest::get(url) {
Ok(response) => response,
Err(e) => panic!("error: could not perform get request {}", e),
let mut content = String::new();
resp.read_to_string(&mut content).expect("valid UTF-8");
println!("The response content is: {}", content);
Using requests
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import requests
URLS = (
def crawl_worker(url):
print(f"Response of url: {url} is {requests.get(url).status_code}")
except Exception:
print("Failed to get url.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
executor.map(crawl_worker, URLS)
using reqwest
extern crate reqwest;
use std::thread;
fn crawl_worker(url: &str) {
let parsed_url = reqwest::Url::parse(url).expect("Bad url format.");
let response = reqwest::get(parsed_url).expect("Failed to get url.");
println!("Response of url: {} is {:?}", url, response.status().to_string());
fn main() {
let urls = vec![
let mut queue = vec![];
for url in urls {
queue.push(thread::spawn(move || {
for job in queue {
let _ = job.join();
import json
# Decode/Deserialize
data = '''{
"name": "bugs",
"age": 76
person = json.loads(data)
# Do things like with any other Python data structure
print(f"{person['name']} was born {person['age']} years ago")
# Encode/Serialize
serialized = json.dumps(obj)
print(f"The serialized value is: {serialized}")
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate serde_derive;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Person {
name: String,
age: u8,
fn main() {
// Decode/Deserialize
let data = r#"{"name": "bugs", "age": 76}"#;
let p: Person = match serde_json::from_str(data) {
Ok(person) => person,
Err(e) => panic!("error: could not deserialize: {}", e),
// Do things just like with any other Rust data structure.
println!("{} was born {} years ago.", p.name, p.age);
// Encode/Serialize
let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&p).unwrap();
println!("The serialized value is: {}", serialized);
class Cat:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def greet(self, other):
print("Meow {}, I'm {}".format(other, self.name))
# ...
grumy = Cat('Grumpy')
grumy.greet('Garfield') # Meow Garfield, I'm Grumpy
struct Cat {
name: String
impl Cat {
pub fn new<S>(name: S) -> Cat where S: Into<String> {
Cat { name: name.into() }
pub fn greet<S: Into<String>>(&self, other:S) {
println!("Meow {}, I'm {}", other.into(), self.name);
fn main() {
let grumpy = Cat::new("Grumpy");
grumpy.greet("Garfield"); // Meow Garfield, I'm Grumpy
NOTE: In Rust, it is best to avoid
stringly types APIs
so in the above example it would be better if we dolet garfield = Cat::new("Garfield")
and then makegreet
to accept an instance ofCat
argument. If you are interested watch this.
Print formatted object debug information
class Actor:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
daffy = Actor(
print('{!r}'.format(daffy)) # {'name': 'Daffy', 'age': 80}
struct Actor {
name: String,
age: i32
fn main() {
let daffy = Actor {name: "Daffy".into(), age: 80};
println!("{:#?}", daffy); // Actor {name: "Daffy", age: 80 }
Explanation comes here.
# python code goes here
// rust code goes here
Created by Bruno Rocha @rochacbruno inspired by https://www.353.solutions/py2go/index.html
First published in BrunoRocha.org
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This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!