This is our Ethical Hacking (C S 378) final project. It is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. This project was meant to demonstrate proof of concept of a phishing attack. It should not be used as an actual phishing attack.
These setup instructions assume that you have Python 2.7, pip, and postgresql installed. Please install these requirements before beginning installation. This setup also assumes you have already created a local postgresql (likely through psql or
The following environment variables need to be set up:
APP_SETTINGS: This should be 'config.DevelopmentConfig' in development
CLIENT_SECRET: This is the Google OAuth Client Secret JSON (the entire string)
FLASK_SECRET_KEY: This can be any secret key you choose. Flask just uses it to maintain sessions
DATABASE_URL: This is the complete url to the database, which must be a postgresql database. For development, you'll likely be connecting to a local database with the format 'postgresql://[user]:[password]@localhost:5432/[database_name]'
REDIRECT_URL: This is the url that the OAuth protocol should redirect to after it authenticates with Google. For development, this should probably be http://localhost:5000/calendar.
GMAIL_USER: This is a gmail username, needed to connect to the gmail SMTP server to send the initial email.
GMAIL_PASSWORD: This is the gmail password for the gmail username.
To install Python dependencies, run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run migrations for the database, run the following command:
python db upgrade
To run the app locally, run the following command:
You can access the webapp at http://localhost:5000 Enjoy this amazing project :)