Now, my main job is about operational research, heuristic algorithm, and data analysis. Before 2017, my main job of Ph.D was about high-energy physics at Harbin Institute of Technology.
My csnd weblog:
Ronghua He, Jing Qian, et. al. Forward-backward multiplicity correlations caused by centrality fluctuations in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Phys.Rev.C 93 (2016) 4, 044918.
Ronghua He, Jing Qian, et. al. Removing the influence of centrality fluctuations in the analysis of forward-backward multiplicity correlations in heavy-ion collisions. Phys.Rev.C 94 (2016) 3, 034902
Ronghua He, Jing Qian, Jianyi Chen, Qingxin Wu, et. al. Extracting temperature and transverse flow by fitting transverse mass spectra and HBT radii together. Mod.Phys.Lett.A 32 (2017) 9, 1750052, arXiv: 1608.04068
Ronghua He, Jing Qian, et. al. Methods for analysis of two-particle rapidity correlation function in high-energy heavy-ion collisions arXiv: 1702.03137
Yao Zhang, Jingbo Zhang, Ronghua He, et. al. Effect of partonic cascade on two-pion HBT parameters of the core-halo source in relativistic heavy-ion collisions J.Phys.G 41 (2014) 12, 125106
Jing Qian, Ulrich Heinz, Ronghua He, et. al. Differential flow correlations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions Phys.Rev.C 95 (2017) 5, 054908 arXiv: 1703.04077 [nucl-th]