(Before we start: in portuguese ONGs mean Non-Governamental-Organizations)
WebApp and MobileApp only using Javascript (front and back-end). React and Node(Express) The mobile app. The mobile app will be available for users to connect to the WebApp, which will be available for ONGs. Each Ong will receive an id when signing up and will have a way post its incidents and look for help. Meanwhile, users will be able to check the mobile app and connect the ONGs.
Be The Hero is a project that aims to connect people who are willing to help ONGs.
Mobile will look like The webApp Layout Para acessar o layout utilize a ferramenta [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/2C2yvw7jsCOGmaNUDftX9n/Be-The-Hero---OmniStack-11?node-id=0%3A1).This project was developed with the following technologies: