A package to decode SIF optimization test examples for use by CUTEst and GALAHAD
We provide a precompiled SIFDecode library and executables in the releases tab for Linux, macOS (Intel & Silicon) and Windows.
SIFDecode can be installed using the Meson build system (all commands below are to be run from the top of the source tree):
meson setup builddir
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir
meson test -C builddir
SIFDecode can also be installed via the "make" build system based on ARCHDefs. To use this variant, follow the instructions in the CUTEst wiki.
A large collection of SIF files can be found at https://bitbucket.org/optrove/workspace/repositories/. In particular this contains:
- The CUTEst NLP test set in the
repository - The Maros-Meszaros QP test set in the
repository - The Netlib LP test set in the
The test problems are classified according to the CUTE classification scheme.
Since the release v2.5.1
, an executable sifdecoder_standalone
available and allows you to easily decode SIF files on any platform.
sifdecoder_standalone -h # display the options
sifdecoder_standalone -sp ROSENBR.SIF # decode the SIF problem in single precision
sifdecoder_standalone -dp ROSENBR.SIF # decode the SIF problem in double precision
sifdecoder_standalone -qp ROSENBR.SIF # decode the SIF problem in quadruple precision
Then, you can create either a shared or a static library for your problem
using a Fortran compiler, such as gfortran
gfortran -shared -fPIC -o libROSENBR.so *.f # shared library on Linux and FreeBSD
gfortran -shared -fPIC -o libROSENBR.dll *.f # shared library on Windows
gfortran -shared -fPIC -o libROSENBR.dylib *.f # shared library on Mac
gfortran -c *.f # generate object files *.o
ar rcs libmylibrary.a *.o # static library on all platform
A bash script sifdecoder
also be used with additional options but is less interoperable.