- New module qutip.stochastic with stochastic master equation and stochastic Schrödinger equation solvers.
- Improved steady state solver.
- New module qutip.distributions with unified API for working with distribution functions.
- New module qutip.qip with utilities for quantum information processing problems, including pre-defined quantum gates for N-qubit systems, circuit representations, and basic physical models for some common QIP architectures.
- New functions for working with different superoperator representations.
- New format for defining time-dependent Hamiltonians and collapse operators, using a precalculated numpy array that specifies the values of the Qobj-coefficients for each time step.
- QuTiP no longer contains the demos GUI. The examples are still available in the documentation.
- Improved performance and numerous bug fixes.
- Added Support for Windows
- New Bloch3d class for plotting 3D Bloch spheres using Mayavi.
- Bloch sphere vectors now look like arrows.
- Partial transpose function.
- Continuos variable functions for calculating correlation and covariance matrices, the Wigner covariance matrix and the logarithmic negativity for for multimode fields in Fock basis.
- The master-equation solver (mesolve) now accepts pre-constructed Liouvillian terms, which makes it possible to solve master equations that are not on the standard Lindblad form.
- Optional Fortran Monte Carlo solver (mcsolve_f90) by Arne Grimsmo.
- A module of tools for using QuTiP in IPython notebooks.
- Increased performance of the steady state solver.
- New Wigner colormap for highlighting negative values.
- More graph styles to the visualization module.
- Function based time-dependent Hamiltonians now keep the correct phase.
- mcsolve no longer prints to the command line if ntraj=1.
- New method for generating Wigner functions based on Laguerre polynomials.
- coherent(), coherent_dm(), and thermal_dm() can now be expressed using analytic values.
- Unittests now use nose and can be run after installation.
- Added iswap and sqrt-iswap gates.
- Functions for quantum process tomography.
- Window icons are now set for Ubuntu application launcher.
- The propagator function can now take a list of times as argument, and returns a list of corresponding propagators.
- mesolver now correctly uses the user defined rhs_filename in Odeoptions().
- rhs_generate() now handles user defined filenames properly.
- Density matrix returned by propagator_steadystate is now Hermitian.
- eseries_value returns real list if all imag parts are zero.
- mcsolver now gives correct results for strong damping rates.
- Odeoptions now prints mc_avg correctly.
- Do not check for PyObj in mcsolve when gui=False.
- Eseries now correctly handles purely complex rates.
- thermal_dm() function now uses truncated operator method.
- Cython based time-dependence now Python 3 compatible.
- Removed call to NSAutoPool on mac systems.
- Progress bar now displays the correct number of CPU's used.
- Qobj.diag() returns reals if operator is Hermitian.
- Text for progress bar on Linux systems is no longer cutoff.
The second version of QuTiP has seen many improvements in the performance of the original code base, as well as the addition of several new routines supporting a wide range of functionality. Some of the highlights of this release include:
- QuTiP now includes solvers for both Floquet and Bloch-Redfield master equations.
- The Lindblad master equation and Monte Carlo solvers allow for time-dependent collapse operators.
- It is possible to automatically compile time-dependent problems into c-code using Cython (if installed).
- Python functions can be used to create arbitrary time-dependent Hamiltonians and collapse operators.
- Solvers now return Odedata objects containing all simulation results and parameters, simplifying the saving of simulation results.
This breaks compatibility with QuTiP version 1.x. See :ref:`odedata` for further details.
- mesolve and mcsolve can reuse Hamiltonian data when only the initial state, or time-dependent arguments, need to be changed.
- QuTiP includes functions for creating random quantum states and operators.
- The generation and manipulation of quantum objects is now more efficient.
- Quantum objects have basis transformation and matrix element calculations as built-in methods.
- The quantum object eigensolver can use sparse solvers.
- The partial-trace (ptrace) function is up to 20x faster.
- The Bloch sphere can now be used with the Matplotlib animation function, and embedded as a subplot in a figure.
- QuTiP has built-in functions for saving quantum objects and data arrays.
- The steady-state solver has been further optimized for sparse matrices, and can handle much larger system Hamiltonians.
- The steady-state solver can use the iterative bi-conjugate gradient method instead of a direct solver.
- There are three new entropy functions for concurrence, mutual information, and conditional entropy.
- Correlation functions have been combined under a single function.
- The operator norm can now be set to trace, Frobius, one, or max norm.
- Global QuTiP settings can now be modified.
- QuTiP includes a collection of unit tests for verifying the installation.
- Demos window now lets you copy and paste code from each example.
- Fixed bug pointed out by Brendan Abolins.
- Qobj.tr() returns zero-dim ndarray instead of float or complex.
- Updated factorial import for scipy version 0.10+
- Allow custom naming of Bloch sphere.
- Fixed text alignment issues in AboutBox.
- Added fix for SciPy V>0.10 where factorial was moved to scipy.misc module.
- Added tidyup function to tensor function output.
- Removed openmp flags from setup.py as new Mac Xcode compiler does not recognize them.
- Qobj diag method now returns real array if all imaginary parts are zero.
- Examples GUI now links to new documentation.
- Fixed zero-dimensional array output from metrics module.
- Fixed issue where Monte Carlo states were not output properly.
- Added linear entropy function.
- Number of CPU's can now be changed.
- Metrics no longer use dense matrices.
- Fixed Bloch sphere grid issue with matplotlib 1.1.
- Qobj trace operation uses only sparse matrices.
- Fixed issue where GUI windows do not raise to front.
- tidyup function to remove small elements from a Qobj.
- Added concurrence function.
- Added simdiag for simultaneous diagonalization of operators.
- Added eigenstates method returning eigenstates and eigenvalues to Qobj class.
- Added fileio for saving and loading data sets and/or Qobj's.
- Added hinton function for visualizing density matrices.
- Switched Examples to new Signals method used in PySide 1.0.6+.
- Switched ProgressBar to new Signals method.
- Fixed memory issue in expm functions.
- Fixed memory bug in isherm.
- Made all Qobj data complex by default.
- Reduced ODE tolerance levels in Odeoptions.
- Fixed bug in ptrace where dense matrix was used instead of sparse.
- Fixed issue where PyQt4 version would not be displayed in about box.
- Fixed issue in Wigner where xvec was used twice (in place of yvec).
Initial release.