- Modify utils\dataloaders.py include_class = [] to fill in the base class to block new classes; remember to reset to empty when fine-tuning to properly read all class tags
- 修改utils\dataloaders.py的include_class = [] 填入基类,以屏蔽新类; 微调时记得重置为空,以正确读取所有类标签
- Use prepare_voc_few_shot.py migrated from https://github.com/ucbdrive/few-shot-object-detection to get few-shot data
- Use voc2yolo.py to convert the tag format
- Use voc2YOLO_dataset_split.py to split dataset by as-is
- Use count_instants_num.py kshot_instants.py to eliminate redundant instances from images例
- 使用迁移自https://github.com/ucbdrive/few-shot-object-detection的prepare_voc_few_shot.py获取少样本数据
- 使用 voc2yolo.py 转换标签格式
- 使用 voc2YOLO_dataset_split.py 按原样划分数据集
- 使用 count_instants_num.py kshot_instants.py 剔除图像中多余实例