npm install eagle-sdk
const { EagleSDK } = require('eagle-sdk')
const sdk = new EagleSDK({
token: 'YOUT_TOKEN', // 从偏好设置 > 开发者选项取得 token
See the complete list of endpoints in the API reference.
;(async () => {
let res = await sdk.folder.listRecent()
status: 'success',
data: [{
id: 'LUJI9VVR9UE60',
name: '测试2',
images: [],
folders: [],
imagesMappings: {},
tags: [],
children: [],
isExpand: true,
size: 27,
vstype: 'folder',
guidelines: [ 'normal' ],
styles: { depth: 1, first: false, last: true },
isVisible: true,
index: 44,
'$$hashKey': 'object:2312',
newFolderName: '测试2',
parent: 'LUJI9VVE0HDAF',
imageCount: 0,
depth: 1,
descendantImageCount: 0,
pinyin: 'CESHI2',
extendTags: [],
covers: []