AppShot - basic screenshot
================================================================ Sometimes you might want to be able to take a programmatic screen shot of you Cascades application. It could for example be that the application creates a screen that is suited for sharing on social network or something like that. This sample shows how this can be achieved.
You will learn how to:
- Take a snap shot of the current screen and open it in the pictures card
======================================================================== Requirements:
BlackBerry 10 Native SDK
======================================================================== Running the example:
- From the Sample apps page, download and extract one of the sample applications.
- Launch BlackBerry 10 Native SDK, and from the File menu, select Import.
- Expand General, and select Existing Projects into Workspace. Click Next.
- Browse to the location where you extracted the sample file, and then click OK.
- The sample project should display in the Projects section. Click Finish to import the project into your workspace.
- In the Project Explorer pane, Right-click the project (for example hellocascades) and select Build Project.
- In the Project Explorer pane, Right-click the project (for example hellocascades) and select Run As > BlackBerry C/C++ Application.
- The application will now install and launch on your device. If it doesent you might have to set up your environment: