ES6 is powerful and gets better each day. This is a companion guide to ES6 with an emphasis on functional programming.
Includes a frictionless live coding server.
Babeljs is used as a transpiler and Browserify bundles optimized sources into the Browser. Assuming you have npm installed, start a live coding ES6 server:
npm start
Release an optimized Js file into dist
npm run release
- Symbols
- Scope
- Functions
- Modules
- Destructuring
- Generators
- Promises
- Proxies
- Immutable Data Structures
Exercises can be followed via tags:
- v0.1.0 - initial project structure
- v0.1.1 - added mori
- v0.1.2 - refactored modules, added reddit api with jsonp
- v0.1.3 - symbols, maps
- v0.1.4 - immutable data structures with mori and immutablejs
- v0.1.5 - generators
- v.0.2.0 - reorg