- About Cakeopedia
- Features and demo
- Technology and libraries used
- Pre-requisites and project setup(in local)
- Highlights
- Let us connect
Cakeopedia - a note taking app to note down wholesome, healthy and super delicious baking recipes.
Home - a regular landing page.
Notes - all notes at one place(can be accessed only if the user is logged in). Users can
- view and edit notes
- add new notes
- send notes to trash
- send notes to archive
- change note color
- add multiple labels
- create a duplicate note
- sort notes based on last updated date
Archive Page - List of archived note. Users can
- view and edit archived notes
- send archived notes to trash
- unarchive the archived notes
- change note color
- add multiple labels
- create a duplicate note
- sort notes based on last updated date
Trash Page - List of notes sent to trash. User can
- view and edit notes
- delete note permanentatly
- restore the note
- sort notes based on last updated date
Label Page - list of notes with a particular label, for eg:
label. User can- view and edit notes
- send notes to archive
- send notes to trash
- change note color
- add multiple labels
- create a duplicate note
- sort notes based on last updated date
Authentication - User can login as guest only, login with credentials, signup and logout. Once the user is logged in, they can access their notes.
Add note page - add a new note. User can:
- add note details
- send note to trash
- send note to archive
- change note color
- add multiple labels
- create a duplicate note
- Responsiveness - This app is completely responsive and can be accessed in all kind of devices.
- Proper messages for error/exception handling across the application
- Use of loader to show status of tasks
Install NodeJs(if not already installed)
Clone dev branch of this repo to local using:
git clone https://github.com/prachi-sahani/cakeopedia.git -b dev
Go into the project folder
cd project-name
Install all the npm packages
npm install
Run the application using:
npm start
The application runs on localhost:3000