This is a microservice which pulls the exchange rate from euro to dollar from an API, and writes it to a DB. The exchange rates can be accessed via two REST endpoints which return a JSON payload. One returns the most recent exchange rate and the other returns all exchange rates in between two timestamps. For further details see the swagger file.
- get the JDK of your choice (would recommend 9 or higher tho)
- install Postgres (
- this is optional but Id recommend using a Postgres client like Postico ( to interact with Postgres
- setup your Postgres user (
- create a DB named exchange_rates
- create a Table within exchange_rates as follows:
CREATE TABLE "public"."timestamps_and_rates" (
"date_time" timestamp without time zone,
"rate" real,
PRIMARY KEY ("date_time"));
- if you want to change the DB / table / column names make sure to adjust the SQL queries aswell
- clone/fork this repo
- run the project
- Maven and MavenWrapper for managing libraries, executing tests and building the application
- Spring for dependency injection, DB access, scheduling and so forth
- Postgres for the DB because its open source, object relational and I have some minor experience with it already.
- JUnit for unit testing
- Swagger for API documentation