AI Features, Machine Learning, Clustering and Models
Support for Google Android phones / tablets / TVs
User Account Management and Authentication
Tests, Continuous Integration, Build and Deployment Automation
Command-Line Interface (CLI)
Global Configuration, Initialization, and User Settings
Cannot be merged / implemented at this time
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Docker Images, Build Scripts, Config & Deployment Examples
Write, improve, or review documentation
Support for document file formats, such as PDF
This issue or pull request already exists
Refactoring, improvement or maintenance task
A major feature that is being implemented step by step
Feature Pull Request (PR)
We'd love to hear your thoughts on this!
Resolves a problem with the software or documentation
Requires experience with HTML/JS/CSS
Hacktoberfest by DigitalOcean and DEV
Well suited for external contributors!
Feedback wanted / feature request
Somebody is working on this
Cannot be processed due to missing information
Works as documented or cannot be reproduced
Support for Apple iOS / iPadOS / tvOS
Related to labels assigned manually or from metadata
Hybrid photo/video file format support