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Kubeless on Raspberry Pi in 2024

This repository is a fork of vmware-archive/kubeless. We run Kubeless on a Raspberry Pi 3/4 with Raspberry Pi OS (Debian Bookworm) in 2024. This is based on release v1.0.8 of Kubeless.


We need to build both the Kubeless container images and the kubeless CLI tool.


The kubeless CLI tool is only released as an x86 binary, we build it for arm64 to run on Raspberry Pi. These steps are performed on an M1 MacBook Pro (with arm64):

docker run --platform linux/arm64 -it --rm \
    -v $(pwd):/kubeless \
    golang:1.23-bookworm \

# now inside the container
cd /kubeless
go build -o kubeless ./cmd/kubeless

You now have the binary kubeless built for Linux arm64.


  1. We build our container images from a development container. Build the container image (use a system that supports the linux/arm64 platform, e.g., an arm64 Linux machine or a Mac with Apple Silicon):

    docker build -f devel.Dockerfile -t kubeless-devel .
  2. Start the development container and continue in there:

    docker run -it --rm \
        -v $(pwd):/kubeless \
        -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    cd /kubeless
  3. Log in to your registry with docker login.

  4. Build the function-controller and function-image-builder images:

    # change these variables to fit your needs
    export KUBELESS_IMAGE_REPOSITORY=pfandzelter
    export KUBELESS_IMAGE_TAG=arm64
    make bootstrap
    make binary
    make function-controller
    make function-image-builder
    # push the images
  5. Build the unzip image:

    cd /kubeless/docker/unzip
  6. Build the http-trigger image:

    cd /kubeless/http-trigger
    make bootstrap
    make binary
    make http-controller-image
    docker push $KUBELESS_IMAGE_REGISTRY/$KUBELESS_IMAGE_REPOSITORY/kubeless-http-trigger-controller:$KUBELESS_IMAGE_TAG
  7. Build the cronjob-trigger image:

    cd /kubeless/cronjob-trigger
    make bootstrap
    make binary
    make cronjob-controller-image
    docker push $KUBELESS_IMAGE_REGISTRY/$KUBELESS_IMAGE_REPOSITORY/kubeless-cronjob-trigger-controller:$KUBELESS_IMAGE_TAG
  8. Build a runtime. Here, we build the python3 runtime. We have simply added a new runtime using the existing ones as a template.

    cd /kubeless/runtimes/stable/python
    docker build -t $KUBELESS_IMAGE_REGISTRY/$KUBELESS_IMAGE_REPOSITORY/kubeless-python-3.8:$KUBELESS_IMAGE_TAG -f Dockerfile.3.8-arm64 .
  9. Build kubeless resource definition for Kubernetes. In theory, you could use the kubeless-non-rbac.jsonnet template with kubecfg, but kubecfg is only available for x86 so we would have to recompile it, which is boring and unnecessary. Instead, we'll take the kubeless-non-rbac-v1.0.8.yaml from the official Kubeless release page and modify it. We simply replace the existing images with our custom images:

    cd /kubeless
    # you can also add your custom runtimes here
    # note that we don't replace any other definitions -- other runtimes simply won't work
    cp kubeless-v1.0.8-template.yaml $KUBELESS_YAML
    sed -i "s#${OLD_UNZIP}#${NEW_UNZIP}#g" $KUBELESS_YAML
    sed -i "s#${OLD_HTTP}#${NEW_HTTP}#g" $KUBELESS_YAML
    sed -i "s#${OLD_CRON}#${NEW_CRON}#g" $KUBELESS_YAML
    sed -i "s#${OLD_PYTHON38}#${NEW_PYTHON38}#g" $KUBELESS_YAML

You are now ready to use kubeless-non-rbac.yaml in the subsequent steps!


We assume a Raspberry Pi 3/4 with Raspberry Pi OS. We use k3s as our Kubernetes distribution, but you can use another one. For example, you may follow the instructions for installing MicroK8s (be sure to select version 1.21!) or the instructions to install minikube.

  1. Enable the memory cgroup by adding the following line at the end of /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt:

    cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1
  2. Disable swapping on the Raspberry Pi:

    sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff
    sudo dphys-swapfile uninstall
    sudo update-rc.d dphys-swapfile remove
    sudo apt purge dphys-swapfile -y
    echo "vm.swappiness = 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
    sudo sysctl -p
  3. Install Kubernetes (we use k3s) with version <1.22:

    curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_VERSION="v1.21.14+k3s1" sh -

    k3s can be uninstalled with /usr/local/bin/

  4. Check that k3s works properly (may need to wait ~30 seconds before this works):

    $ sudo k3s kubectl get node
    NAME   STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
    pi3    Ready    control-plane,master   20s   v1.31.3+k3s1

    On our Raspberry Pi 3, this takes a few minutes because it is really slow.

  5. Install Kubeless on your cluster. Use either our kubeless-v1.0.8.yaml or your custom kubeless.yaml from the steps before.

    sudo k3s kubectl create ns kubeless
    sudo k3s kubectl create -f ./kubeless.yaml --validate=false

    We skip validation as it requires too many resources.

    You can check that everything worked using the kubectl get commands:

    sudo k3s kubectl get pods -n kubeless
    sudo k3s kubectl get deployment -n kubeless
    sudo k3s kubectl get customresourcedefinition
  6. Copy the kubeless CLI (built earlier) to your device. Test it:

    sudo ln /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml /root/.kube/config
    sudo ./kubeless get-server-config
  7. Create a function, e.g., using Python3:

    cat <<EOF >
    def hello(event, context):
        print (event)
        return event['data']
    sudo ./kubeless function deploy hello --runtime python3.8 \
                                --from-file \
                                --handler kfunc.hello

    You can check that the function exists:

    sudo ./kubeless function ls hello
  8. Try invoking the function:

    sudo ./kubeless function call hello --data "hi"
  9. Create an HTTP endpoint for the function:

    sudo ./kubeless trigger http create hello \
        --hostname localhost \
        --gateway traefik \
        --function-name hello

    This should now be visible in ingress:

    $ sudo k3s kubectl get ing
    NAME    CLASS    HOSTS                    ADDRESS   PORTS   AGE
    hello   <none>             80      11

    And we can invoke the function with curl:

    curl --data "hi\n" http://localhost/hello

    We need to edit the YAML to use Traefik (default for k3s) instead of nginx if we do not pass the --gateway traefik option:

    sudo k3s kubectl edit ing hello
    # replace nginx with traefik

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CircleCI Slack Not Maintained

WARNING: Kubeless is no longer actively maintained by VMware

VMware has made the difficult decision to stop driving this project and therefore we will no longer actively respond to issues or pull requests. If you would like to take over maintaining this project independently from VMware, please let us know so we can add a link to your forked project here.

Thank You.


kubeless is a Kubernetes-native serverless framework that lets you deploy small bits of code without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure plumbing. It leverages Kubernetes resources to provide auto-scaling, API routing, monitoring, troubleshooting and more.

Kubeless stands out as we use a Custom Resource Definition to be able to create functions as custom kubernetes resources. We then run an in-cluster controller that watches these custom resources and launches runtimes on-demand. The controller dynamically injects the functions code into the runtimes and make them available over HTTP or via a PubSub mechanism.

Kubeless is purely open-source and non-affiliated to any commercial organization. Chime in at anytime, we would love the help and feedback !


Quick start

Check out the instructions for quickly set up Kubeless here.


Consult the developer's guide for a complete set of instruction to build kubeless.

Compatibility Matrix with Kubernetes

Kubeless fully supports Kubernetes versions greater than 1.9 (tested until 1.15). For other versions some of the features in Kubeless may not be available. Our CI run tests against two different platforms: GKE (1.12) and Minikube (1.15). Other platforms are supported but fully compatibiliy cannot be assured.


We would love to get your help, feel free to lend a hand. We are currently looking to implement the following high level features:

  • Add other runtimes, currently Golang, Python, NodeJS, Ruby, PHP, .NET and Ballerina are supported. We are also providing a way to use custom runtime. Please check this doc for more details.
  • Investigate other messaging bus (e.g SQS, rabbitMQ)
  • Optimize for functions startup time
  • Add distributed tracing (maybe using istio)


Issues: If you find any issues, please file it.

Slack: We're fairly active on slack and you can find us in the #kubeless channel.


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  • Go 60.4%
  • Shell 17.2%
  • Makefile 7.7%
  • C# 3.9%
  • Java 2.6%
  • Jsonnet 2.3%
  • Other 5.9%