Gorm-admin is a Go package that adds an admin page to your web application. It works with GORM as the ORM and is compatible with Fiber (with Gin and HTTP compatibility coming soon). The package uses reflection to integrate ORM functionalities across different frameworks and a virtual filesystem to store all admin pages
Feel free to contribute and improve the code! :)
go get github.com/pelusa-v/gorm-admin/src/pkg/admin
package main
import (
func main() {
app := fiber.New()
db := NewDbInstance() // *gorm.DB
// Add admin to web application
// use NewGinAdmin() for Gin, NewAdmin() for built-in http
admin := admin.NewFiberAdmin(app, db)
admin.Configure("My awesome project")
// Register your models to admin page
type User struct {
Name string
Email string
type Product struct {
ID uint
Name string
Email string
You need to migrate your models to DB
When you run your web application, navigate to /admin
to see a page like this:
You can now perform CRUD operations on your models from the admin page!
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request with your changes.