A Promises/A XHR wrapper for Bluebird and Request
Bluebird and Request are pretty awesome, but I found myself using the same design pattern. This is a simple wrapper that takes in a request options object (or URI string), and returns a chainable promise. By default, http response codes other than 200 and 201 will cause the promise to be rejected. This can be over-ridden by setting options.simple
to false
Note: As of version 0.1, reject
now passes an object containing the following:
error: body,
options: c,
response: response,
statusCode: response.statusCode
npm install request-promise
var rp = require('request-promise');
//'GET's and displays google.com
var options = {
uri : 'http://posttestserver.com/post.php',
method : 'POST'
//displays response from server after post
options.transform = function (data) { return data.length ;};
//transform is called just before promise is fulfilled
//displays length of response from server after post