This is a sample project of a food ordering app built for Android devices using the following tools, libraries and architecture:
Kotlin/Java - Preferred Language
Jetpack Compose - Declarative UI
Firebase Firestore - Authentication and cloud storage
Hilt - For dependency Injection
Datastore - as data/shared pref
Has both Buyer and Seller functionalities (user account is for buyers, while seller/admin account is for registered stores that want to upload their items for others to buy)
Paystack SDK - For making payment (you should it try with any of their test cards)
Architecture used - Clean Architecture
UI Designs was dribble-inspired and a larger part was improvised.
It was built for the purpose of an assessment aimed at securing a role.
You can use this email - with this password - test123 to access the admin features. For normal user experience, register with any email and then login with it. You can also directly sign in with google as well.
To become an admin and become capable of posting your items for buyers to see, you have to contact us using to register an admin account with our backend. Cheers!😃