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amirreza seyyed-amirreza-hosseini
Django developer | intrested in ML


Robin Millette millette
I've contributed to hundreds of projects. You're welcome.

Beloeil, Québec, Canada

kaspr9 kaspernine
I'm a developer, passionate about tech and AI

Engie Digital France

Eric R NumEricR

Nantes, France

Gabriel Pettier tshirtman Amsterdam, Netherlands

Ronan Guilloux ronanguilloux
Having fun with Open-Source since 1998.

@arno_u_loginlux Nantes, France

Maxime Gaillard maximegaillard
Lead DevOps, Kubernetes Expert, Python Developer

@Naeka France

Nicolas Hoizey nhoizey
Co-founder of @cleverage, advocate of a pragmatic use of standard Web technologies. Photographer:

@cleverage Paris, France

Thomas Rogeat trogeat
Swiss army knife

42 spaceship

Claude Paroz claudep
Python and Web developer, freelance Sàrl Switzerland

Julien Maupetit jmaupetit
(Open) Data enthusiast

@puydata Clermont-Ferrand, France

Thomas Parisot thom4parisot
I design web software, facilitate team work and bake sourdough bread • I believe in autonomy and kindness • @bbcrd alumnus

dé Crest, Drôme, France

Bruno Bord brunobord

Unowhy Bayonne, France

Mathieu Pillard diox

@mozilla Rennes, France

Jannis Leidel jezdez
Principal SWE at @anaconda working on @conda. @conda-forge core member. @psf director and fellow. @jazzband and @pypa founder. @mozilla and @django alum

@anaconda Germany

David Larlet davidbgk
Slowly but surely getting out of Microsoft Github. Sharing some code snippets on Montréal, Canada

Langlois pointbar
I help individual and organisation to bootstrap their ideas.

scopyleft france

Vincent Agnano vinyll
Digital Nomad, Entrepreneur and Web Developer. » Github: @betagouv and @Polight » Gitlab: »

Europe (Mostly) / US (sometimes) / Elsewhere (possibly)

Nicolas Perriault n1k0

Akei Montpellier, France