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End-to-end Tests

This folder contains end-to-end tests which test the whole functionality of the application.

For the setup of the e2e-tests please visit the Developer Setup

Environment Variables

In general, Cypress loads each OS environment variable prefixed with _CYPRESS__ to be accessible in the code with Cypress.env. When defined, they will overrides equivalent variables in the configuration file cypress.json. See Cypress documentation for environment variables setting and Cypress configuration options for more details.

Variables after _CYPRESS__ prefix can have either camel case or screaming snake case notation. For example, both definitions are equivalent:


Those variables can be set in .env file also. .env.example file is prepared for easy creation (see Developer guide: Environment variables). Thanks cypress-dotenv module they can be available in the code. They have the same meaning like its Run Command Arguments conterparts.

Env Variable Name Default Value Description
CYPRESS_BASE_URL http://localhost:3000 The address of the frontend service.
CYPRESS_API_BASE_URL http://localhost:8080 The address of the api production environment
CYPRESS_EXPORT_SERVICE_BASE_URL http://localhost:8888 The address of the excel export service
CYPRESS_ROOT_SECRET root-secret The Password of the root user, for some api calls

Note: Do NOT use other additional ways to set environment variables like inline env-variables or env-variables defined by 'export'. Why? - Because these env-variables will overwrite each which makes it very hard to find mistakes.

Definition Precedense

The evaluation priority of a variable is determined by the on place of its definition:

  1. .env file (Recommended - see Developer guide: Environment variables)
  2. Arguments of the npm run cypress or npm run e2etest command
  3. Operating system environment (defined e.g. with export command)
  4. Values from the configuration file - cypress.json (if exists)

As 1. has the highest priority, 4. the lowest. Order between 3. and 4. is defined by test implementation.

Run Command Arguments

Following variables are used with connection with command npm run e2etest or npm run cypress:

Name Default Value Command Line Switch Description
baseUrl http://localhost:3000 env The address of the frontend service.
API_BASE_URL http://localhost:8080 env The address of the api production environment
EXPORT_SERVICE_BASE_URL baseUrl + /api/export/xlsx env The address of the excel export service
ROOT_SECRET not set env Password of the root user, for some api calls

Note: The only difference between those two commands is npm run cypress opens GUI for interaction mode. Obviously, the spec option has no sense in this case.

Local Run

This section describes how we can run and debug the tests locally with Cypress.


Setup a provisioned Trubudget node including the excel-export service. Check out the Developer Setup for more details. The easiest way to start a provisioned Trubudget node is to start it via developer script

bash scripts/development/ --full

Install all required libraries and unset DISPLAY env var (necessary for ubuntu/WSL2)

apt-get install libgtk2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libgbm-dev libnotify-dev libgconf-2-4 libnss3 libxss1 libasound2 libxtst6 xauth xvfb

:::note If you are using WSL on Windows check out this setup to run cypress in WSL. :::

Navigate to the e2e-test folder and generate the .env file. If needed modify the .env file.

cd e2e-test
cp .env.example .env

Start E2E-Tests via Cypress

After a provisioned trubudget node is setup and cypress is working as expected the e2e-tests can be started. A report in HTML format will be generated once the tests are finished. This report includes screenshots of the failed tests and information about the passed tests. The report can be found in cypress/report.

:::info Make sure following commands are executed from the e2e-test directory. :::

Cypress GUI

Start the Cypress GUI to list and be able to execute and follow each test individually.

npm run cypress


Start and follow all e2e-tests on command line.

npm run e2etest

Specific tests via command-line

Start a specific test immediately:

npm run e2etest -- --spec **/currencies_spec.js

Run Cypress GUI in Docker

Showing the GUI of cypress which is running in a docker container is an advanced process that needs additional software (XQuartz) for Windows and Mac. Furthermore, Cypress does not recommend using Cypress in Docker (or Docker Compose) except if you are working without NodeJS (like Python or GO).

For more information see this documentation: