This project utilizes the Duckietown platform to develop a lane-following autonomous robot using reinforcement learning. Specifically, it employs the Q-learning algorithm, a popular reinforcement learning approach, for navigating a Duckiebot through a Duckietown environment. The project is designed for educational and research applications, providing a scalable platform for understanding complex tasks in perception, decision-making, and autonomous control.
The Gazebo simulation environment includes:
- A 3D representation of Duckietown with roads, traffic lights, and various objects.
- An interface for controlling the Duckiebot through predefined actions like "Turn Left," "Turn Right," and "Forward."
The Duckiebot is a custom-built robot equipped with:
- Camera: Used for lane detection.
- Motors: Controlled via an H-bridge motor controller.
- Raspberry Pi: Runs the Q-learning algorithm and communicates with the sensors and actuators.
- Clone the repository:
git clone <repository_url>
- Install the required dependencies:
sudo apt update sudo apt install ros-noetic-desktop-full gazebo python3-opencv python3-numpy
- Source the ROS environment and build the workspace:
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
source devel/setup.bash
- Launch the simulation with one mobile robot:
roslaunch duckietown_gazebo main.launch
- Run the Q-learning training module:
roslaunch lane_following start_training.launch #this run for tranning the agent which saved A dedicated checkpoint file.
This project is based on resources and tools from Duckietown and the educational platform The Construct, where we developed and tested the Duckiebot's Q-learning functionality in simulation. Special thanks to The Construct for providing a comprehensive learning environment.