Welcome to nohost.network service repository.
Here are all the configuration files which makes the management and deployment completely automated.
Currently using the following software to make this possible:
- Kubernetes for orchestration
- FluxCD for implementing Continuous Delivery in a GitOps way
- Helm to install apps and services and Kustomize to do some config changes.
- Prometheus and Fluentbit for metrics and logs which are sent to Grafana Cloud for monitoring.
- External Secrets for secret management in Hashicorp Vault
- Cert Manager for automatic TLS certificate configuration.
- SonarCloud for security scanning.
- Maybe more that I might forget.
To check the way the infrastructure is configured check nohost.infra repository.
Some backend service configurations are in nohost.backend repository and
CI pipelines are in each app project repository.
The repository structure is based in FluxCD monorepo example: https://fluxcd.io/flux/guides/repository-structure/