- this is my final project of high performance router desigh course
- Reference paper: Compact TCAM- Flow Entry Compaction in TCAM for Power Aware SDN
topo.sh: mininet topology laucher
ryu_exe.sh: Ryu controller laucher
line_topo.py: mininet topology geneter
compact.py: the target Ryu application
mapping.py: the file included by compact.py, recording some configuration
mapping.log: log file generated by mapping.py
this application will match the ping flow between hosts,
at the ingress switch, they match src_ip, dst_ip, src_mac, dst_mac, ip protocol of the ping packet
if matched, packets will be inserted a vlan tag
then in the following routing, switches just need to match this specific vlan ID and then forwarding
at egress switch, the vlan tag will be remove before packets are sent to the host
- OS:Linux
- emulater:mininet
- controller:Ryu
- sh topo.sh # activate mininet
- sh ryu_exe.sh # acctivate Ryu