This piece of code would update the crontab for everyone using the SMB mount app. Problem is that it's not fail proof to get the actual MOUNT_ID
s so it's better to do it manually.
source /var/scripts/
# Replace iNotify checker with a script instead
if crontab -u www-data -l | grep -q "files_external:notify -v"
download_script ADDONS notify-crontab
chmod +x "$SCRIPTS"/
chown root:root "$SCRIPTS"/
MOUNT_ID=$(sudo -u postgres psql nextcloud_db -c "select mount_id from oc_external_config")
crontab -u www-data -l | grep -v "files_external:notify -v" | crontab -u www-data -
crontab -u root -l | { cat; echo "@reboot $SCRIPTS/ $(echo "${MOUNT_ID##* }" | head -1)"; } | crontab -u root -
print_text_in_color "$ICyan" "Replaced iNotify with a script instead of command."