I'm a researcher at Dirac (Institute for Data-intensive Research in Astrophysics and Cosmology), University of Washington! I work on commissioning the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) π + and the commissioning of LINCC-Frameworks (LSST Interdisciplinary Network for Collaboration and Computing).
LINCC - Frameworks aims to π± grow and develop π± software for the analysis of the large amounts of data expected from LSST.
I am currently guiding the development π± LSDB π± ; the general package for efficient and scalable π¨ analysis π¨ and π― cross-matching π― of astronomy catalogs. We are particulary excited about how we use π± nested package π± to enable time-domain analysis.
The main goal of these efforts is to enable science in the LSST era. Find here the demo we made for the ADASS conference in November 2024.
I am a member of the science verification team. For instance, I have been working on the analysis of difference imagining pipeline using the data from the Rubin commissioning. See a notebook prepared for a May 2024 sprint for the verification of the observation rehersal data.
I worked on commissioning the Prime Focus Spectrograph at Subaru telescope π as part of the data reduction pipeline team - focusing on 2D Point spread function modeling.
My scientific work focuses on variability, AGN, and star-formation physics (papers here).